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The craving to chew ice is normally a sign of sexual frustration, not a heart problem

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Q: Are there any heart problems where you crave ice?
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What is Something you crave that starts with w?

I crave waffles. I also crave Wild Cherry Ice Cream.

What is it call when you eat ice all the time?

Pagophagia: to chew or crave ice.

Why do anemic people crave ice?

people who are anemic crave ice mainly because of lack of oxygen distribution to the body. ice contains oxygen, so that's a good explanation. moreover, i don't understand why people with severe anemia, like myself, don't crave water.

Is it true that Dr Atkins died from obesity and heart problems?

No, he slipped on some ice and fell.

What are the release dates for Crave - 2011 Ice Cream Socially Accceptable Lick Food 1-3?

Crave - 2011 Ice Cream Socially Accceptable Lick Food 1-3 was released on: USA: 2011

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ice and strong winds :d

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3 subs

What do smokers eat?

wen u smoke u crave different food, the main one is ice cream

Why do mammals eat ice cream?

We crave the milk fat, and the sugar keeps us coming back for more.

Can pica be inherited?

Here is input from one FAQ Farmer: * Well, yes and no. Pica is usually a result of your body craving something that it lacks. For example, I had a really bad iron deficency that I ignored, I would always crave ice, I'd just go to the freezer and get it all the time. It went away once I started taking iron pills. Some people with iron deficencies will crave clay or dirt too. Well, all of the ladies in my family have or have had problems with their iron levels so that I inherited, but I was the only one who would crave and eat ice all the time. Thank goodness it wasn't clay or dirt!

How do i know if i am in love?

You get tingly feeling in your elbows and you really crave ice-cream for at least 7 days consecutively. Good luck.

Is it bad to get a brain freeze if you have heart problems?

Ice cream headaches can be bad for people with heart conditions for a couple simple reasons. 1. Pain is a stressor for the body, and almost all stressors cause the body to react with a increased flow of adrenaline which speeds the heart rate. 2. Ice cream headaches are caused by lowering of temperature of the spinal column and nearby core organs, it also results in a 'thickening' of blood which adds to heart stress. there are also effects that come from the hypothalmus diverting blood flow to maintain core temperature, but I am not sure just what they all are. So yeah, Ice cream headaches CAN be bad for people with heart problems.