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Q: Are there any planets orbiting Sirus B?
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What is brighter alberban or sirus B?

Intrinsically Aldebaran is brighter than Sirius B which is a white dwarf star, no longer generating new heat.

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Moon could b suitable fr farming.

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As of current research, there is no direct evidence to confirm the existence of planets orbiting around VY Canis Majoris, which is a red supergiant star. However, due to its massive size and advanced stage of evolution, it is considered unlikely that planets could have formed and be stable in its vicinity.

Is there a far away planet that orbits Sirius A?

Neither Sirius A nor Sirius B have any known planets.

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its the comets are smaller than planets, moons, and asteroids. In order of size, usually comets < asteroids < moons < planets

Is Sirus a white dwarf?

Not exactly. A white dwarf would be hard to see from Earth, and Sirius is the brightest star from our point of view. Sirius has two components; one of them, Sirius B, is a white dwarf.

What is Kepler 22-b?

Kepler 22-b is an extrasolar planet orbiting G-type star 22-b. It is said that its size is as about the Earth however its mass remains unknown.

Are all-stars planets?

The best possible answer is we don't know.Just a decade or so ago, astrophysicists believed that no other stars have planets. The first exoplanet discovered was Gamma Cephei b, in 1988. While its existence was questioned for more than a decade, it was finally proven in 2003.There are currently 840 Planets around 655 Stars, 128 of these are in systems with multiple planets; there are 2,712 Kepler candidates, and 2,756,217 Transit Survey Light Curves that could prove to be exoplanets as well.

What qualities earned planet Gliese 581 g its nickname?

Planets are simply named by adding a letter to the host star name. The first planet found orbiting GJ 581 is called GJ 581 b (where A corresponds to the star). The 2nd discovered planet is GJ 581 c, and so on.

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As of current knowledge, there are no known satellites orbiting Alpha Centauri, which is our closest neighboring star system. However, further exploration may potentially discover any satellites that might exist.

Is sirus an asteroid?

No, Sirius is not an asteroid. Sirius is a binary star system consisting of the brighter star, Sirius A, and its companion, Sirius B, which is a white dwarf star. It is the brightest star in the Earth's night sky.

Your solar syste m mainly consists of A planets B empty space or C stars?

b. empty space