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the answer to your question yes there is a river through the national park called the castlereagh river .

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Q: Are there any rivers in warrumbungle national park?
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Info about the different types of vegetation in India?

India has a wealth of wildlife. Though the forest cover has diminished alarmingly, there are still many wild areas and national parks. In a country of over a billion people, and with the ever increasing numbers encroaching upon the home of wild creatures, loss of habitat is one of the biggest threats to its forests, along with poaching. But, India has done better than most third world countries in this respect. The tiger is the apex predator of the Indian forests and the number of tigers in any forest is a good indicator of a well balanced and healthy ecosystem. In the late 60's the tiger population had dropped to an all time low. This is the reason why Project Tiger was started in 1973. Initially there were 9 parks under Project Tiger covering an area of 16,339; Project Tiger now covers 27 Tiger Reserves and an area of 37,761 In the Northern and Central India there are some amazing wild areas. Corbett National Park in Uttaranchal is one of the oldest national parks in India and where Project Tiger started. Kanha National Park, Ranthambor National Park, Bandhavgarh National Park are some of the best. Kaziranga National Park and Manas in Assam are also famous as they are home to the One Horned Indian Rhinoceros. The Gir forest in Gujarat is the last refuge of the Asiatic Lion. South India too has some beautiful jungles. Some of the best national parks in India can be found here. Bandipur National Park in Karnataka (866 sq. kms), Nagarahole National Park (643 sq. kms), Mudumalai National Park (321 sq. kms) and Wayanaad in Kerala, Mukurthi National Park (80 sq. kms) and Silent Valley National Park (78 sq. kms) are the forests which form the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, which encompasses over 5500 sq. kms and was the first biosphere reserve to be set up in India. It has the largest population of Asiatic elephants in the world and is also home to the Royal Bengal tiger and other large mammals such as the Indian Bison or Gaur. Apart from these forests, there are also the Annamalais, which are in the high ranges and Periyar National Park in Kerala.

What is the difference between a passive park and an active park?

As a Supervisor of parks for a municipality, I can answer your question. A "Passive Park" is a public area designated as a park, but does not afford facilities or equipment for exercise or play: i.e a nature park or greenspace. It can have benches or trails, but is not conducive for for any "Active" use, such as sport or play. Just reverse that and you have the definition of an "Active" park. Del Keen Supervisor of Parks Panama City, FL

Human Impact on rivers?

Loss of aquatic life Deforestation Industrial pollution

What are places where water transpires or evaporates?

Transpiration: leaves, skin, eyes Evaporation: lakes, seas, oceans, land, raindrops (which cools them), virga Sublimation: from ice

What is the habitat of Trypanosoma brucei?

It is found in the human nervous system if bitten by a tsetse fly.

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Are there any national parks in Gettysburg?

There is a national park in Gettysburg. It is called the Gettysburg National Military Park. The park is open year round and has a well known and popular museum.

Are there any water features in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park?

Depends what you mean by "water features." The ocean waves crashing against newly forming and newly formed lava is an impressive sight. However, there are no rivers or water falls to speak of in the park.

Does Ohio have any national parks?

Ohio has the Cuyahoga Valley National Park.

Are there any national parks in a temperate forest?

Yes. Olympic National Park in Washington State. The Ozark Hills are covered in a national forest, Mark Twain, with lots of activities, a temperate forest surrounded by very clean lakes, rivers, and creeks for canoeing. Try Alley Springs Park on the Current River for a park w/great amenities. Also: Being the first National River park in the US, this is great fun. However, being surrounded by a temperate forest, watch out for the snakes.

What is the oldest state park in Florida?

Florida has more than one National Park. Biscayne National Park Dry Tortugas National Park Everglades National Park There are also National Monuments, National Seashores, and National Memorials in Florida.

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Anyone who even imagines that the U.N. has any ownership of any U.S. National Park is an idiot.

In which state can see the sunrise before any other state in the us?

This is not a state but it is a national park, acadia national park is the first national park to see the sunrise in the U.S. hope this was helpful! 😀

Is Yosemite National Park the biggest national park?

No, they are not linked together or part of each other in any way. Yosemite National Park is located in California while Yellowstone National Park is located in Wyoming, which is hundreds if not thousands of miles away.

Are there any important places in Montana?

Glacier National Park is located in Montana. The area of the park is 1,013,322 acres. Approximately 3 million tourists visited Glacier National Park in 2016 per the U.S. National Park Service.

Which state in the US can see the sunrise before any other state?

This is not a state but it is a national park, acadia national park is the first national park to see the sunrise in the U.S. hope this was helpful! 😀