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Yes, there is a such thing as a trillionaire, and is actually an achievable status. A trillionaire is just someone who has a trillion dollars.

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Q: Are there any trillionaires on earth?
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Continue Learning about Natural Sciences

Which baseline runs from any point on the earth surface to the north pole?

True north runs from any point on the Earth's surface to the North Pole.

How many rings does earth have?

Earth does not have any physical rings like Saturn.

Does the earth have any moons?

Yes, the Earth has one moon called 'Luna'.

If there a full moon is it cold or hot in earth?

There's no connection between any moon phase and any pattern to the weather on earth.

Why are latitude and longitude on earth?

To establish precise locations for any point on the earth's surface.

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Could you tell me how many billions make a trillion and do we have any trillionaires?

one thousand billions makes one trillion. And no, there are no trillionaires. The worlds richest man has 3 - 4 billion dollars.

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Are there any trillionaires in the US?

No. Bill Gates is currently the closest to the mark by far, however, at over $50 billion.

Are there trillionaires in the world?

If you are pertaining to a person - no there isn't any Trillionaires yet. But if you pertain to a country - yes there are trillionaire countries. Examples of this are the countries USA, Japan, China, Germany, UK, France, Russia, Italy, Brazil, Canada, India, Mexico, Australia, and South Korea.

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They own the companies that print the rich lists and are to ashamed of all the wealth they are hoarding whil children starve to allow this to be printed

What does the Earth's inside looks like?

1. earth is not dicovered by any one 2. earth is not named after any one

How are the sentiments of mother earth?

The earth is not a thinking being and therefore can not have any sentiments.

Is there any erosion on the earth?

yes there is erosion on earth

Is there any planet beside earth that is livable?

I don't think there are any planets to be liveable except Earth

Is earth a mammal?

no earth is a planetThe Earth is not an animal of any sort, it is not a living thing

Do they have aliens in earth?

have aliens vist earth any time

Is there any place on the earth where there is not gravitational force?

The center of the Earth.