

Are there colors in space

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: Are there colors in space
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Can you see red in space?

Yes - you can see all colors of the spectrum in Space.

What colors are in between primary and secondary?

a negative space

What colors can space vehicles be?

silver grey golden

Are most space rocks black?

No, they are all different colors.

Why are the planets mostly the same colors?

by how far they are from the sun or their condition in space

If you saw mars from space what colors would you see?

red and yellow =)

What were the colours on the space shuttle challenger?

The same colors as every Space Shuttle, mostly dark orange, black and white.

What is ganut in photoshop?

You mean gamut? Gamut of colors represents all available colors in particular color space (like RGB, CMYK). When you see warning out of gamut that's mean that color can not be reproduced in color space in other words that color space can not handle that color or shade of color.

What is filling-up the spaces of a picture with colors?

the particles of whatever you are using to colour in the space with

What gives neptune and Uranus their blue to blue greens colors?

Dust in outer space

What is the difference between Concords and Space Jams?

They are the same shoe except the colors are different