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The Bible has numerous errors as measured by differences in the various manuscripts that were hand copied throughout the Bible's history, some are simple omissions, for example, a word or passage was left out of one or more manuscripts. Other errrors would include spelling errors between one copyist and another etc. The Bible is 'The Word of God' but these words were written down by man, who is flawed. As it is, every word in the Bible is there for a reason. All is "God-breathed" (2 Timothy 3:16), or inspired by him and while there are errors, it just goes to prove that the original documents were not tampered with. An astounding feat in its own merit, the first four books of the New Testament, called the Gospel (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) were all written by different people, but have almost exactly the same stories. Therefore the Bible, while it may have grammatical, spelling, or word errors, is error free in the manner that all is as intended.

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Q: Are there errors in the Holy Bible?
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