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ye baby ones with there mouths tied up

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Q: Are there real piranhas in robinwood piranha pool?
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What plants do piranha?

Piranhas are not real they were in the movie Piranha they were fake also.Piranhas are extinct so that means that they are gone no longer living any more.If u really see a Piranha then take a picture and post it online

What are the difference between pacu and piranha and why do pacu live alongside piranha?

both pacu and piranha eat live meat and they both can have red bellies too. the real difference is between their jaws, nose and teeth. piranha has a produting lower jaw while pacu has a round mouth. pacu's nose is button shaped but piranha's nose is unmistakable. and piranhas have much larger teeth than pacus.

What can you feed your Piranha?

Piranhas have so many preys in the wild, they prey on Fish like the angelfish and mammals like mice and also capibaras and snakes like a young anaconda and birds like a drowning parrot or other birds. But Piranhas don't attack humans.... a real serious attacks on humans are rare.

Are piranhas real?

Yes, piranhas are real. They live in rivers in the rainforests of South America.

Can piranhas kill people?

yesANS2:Yes, they can. The likelihood that a school of piranha will attack you while you are swimming is extremely high if you are playing the bad guy in a Tarzan movie. In real life, you are more likely to choke to death on a piranha bone while you are eating one than to be eaten by one.

Were there piranhas in Ancient Egypt?

Yes. They are called Egyptian Per-Rah-Nah's for short. They're real names are the Ah-Mah-Zawn-Rih-va Piranhas.

Are giant piranhas real?

No, that's just a close-up shot, filmed for effect.

Can webkinz drond in a pool?

in the real pool yes but on webkinz no they swim

Can the piranha fish be found in sea water?

Of course but Piranhas only-these are heavy-duty carnivorous fish. it might be obigatory to have tank warnings, akin to (Danger-High Voltage) signs around electrical equipment. the hazards are real. I believe it is possible to legally keep Piranhas as pets, but there are restrictions involved, as with Motorcycles and other inherently hazardous actions. I have seen them in pet shops but not recently.

Is the moon pool in H20 real?

the moon pool is real but mako island is just made on camera. it's really a pool in sea world used for dolphins. sorry, i would love to go though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What kind of video game is Real Pool?

Real pool is a video game for Sony's PlayStation 2. It was released on November 10, 2000 in the United States. It is a pool simulation game and can be played now for free online.

Do real coins harm swimming pool water?

No, if the water chemistry is right, there will be no impact on the pool water chemistry.