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Some vampires can.

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Q: Are there some vampires that can see their refletion in a mirror?
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Related questions

Do all vampire have no refletion?

Well vampires may not be real but in books and movies no, because the Cullens can see themselves in really depends on what book or movie you read or watch.

How does a mirror reflection work?

A mirror reflection occurs when light bounces off a smooth, reflective surface at the same angle it hits it. This process is called specular reflection. The image you see in a mirror is a result of this reflection of light.

Can vanpires see them serf in the miar?

Legend has it that vampires cannot see themselves in a mirror. This legend is from the belief that they no longer have a soul.

How do you tell a vampire from a human?

There are no such thing as vampires, so telling the difference is easy. If they exist, then they are not a vampire. If they exist, then they are human. Vampires are fictional, like elves, fairies, Santa Claus and trickle-down economics. [Alternate: Hold a mirror up in front of them. If you see their reflection in the mirror - and you will - they are not vampires.]

Who are not see in mirror?

According to the currently popular drift in teen-age literature, vampires are not seenin a mirror.This in effect guarantees us that without exception, everything that's visible directlyis also visible in a mirror, since vampires don't exist.

What popular characteristics of vampires does edward dismiss as myths?

Edward Cullen dismisses the characteristics of vampires as being killed by sunlight, sleeping in coffins, and not being able to see their reflections in a mirror as myths. He explains that these traditional beliefs are not accurate for vampires in the Twilight series.

Can you see female vampires in a mirror?

Yes, of course. In The Twilight Saga, at least. When Bella is turned in Breaking Dawn, Alice shoves a mirror in her face. She's scared of her own eyes, remember?

In True Blood can the vampires see themselves in a mirror?

yeah, they say they created the myth so that they could prove themselves not to be vampires by showing their reflection. i mean how else would Eric get his hair so perfect?

Where can i find vampires?

You can see vampires, but if you are standing in front of a mirror, you cant see them, because they have no reflection. They are only dead people's corpses animated. They just prey on others. They are kinda like spirits. They can't see themselves in their reflection; it confuses their minds. But, to make this easier, just like how ghosts are stereotyped to have no feet, vampires have no reflection. But that is not a stereotype.

Can dogs see in the mirror?

dogs can see in the mirror, my dog sometimes barks at himself in mirror. they also will watch the TV. ALthough some just don't react to the other dog "in the mirror".

Which country can we see vampires?

no vampires on earth!

Do you see real vampires?

no you do not see real vampires i disagree. if you at the right place at the right time.