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If the magnets are attracting each other, they will pull together. If they are repelling each other, they will push apart.

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Q: Are these magnets attracting or repelling each other?
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What do you mean by the directional properties of magnets?

Directional properties of magnets refer to their ability to attract or repel other magnets based on their orientation of poles. Magnets have two poles, north and south, which interact with each other according to the laws of magnetism, such as opposite poles attracting and like poles repelling. This property allows magnets to exert forces in specific directions depending on how they are aligned.

Can magnets also repel metal?

Yes, magnets can repel certain types of metal, specifically those that are ferromagnetic. When two magnets with like poles facing each other are brought close, they will exert a repelling force on each other. This repelling force can also act on certain metals, causing them to be repelled by the magnet.

What is the force exerted only be by protons nearest?

The force exerted only by protons nearest to each other is the electromagnetic force. This force is responsible for repelling or attracting protons based on their charges, with like charges repelling each other and opposite charges attracting each other.

How do attracting and repelling forces between magnets and elctromagnets make a motor turn?

In a motor, the attracting and repelling forces between magnets and electromagnets interact to create a rotating motion. When electric current flows through the coil of wire in the electromagnet, it generates a magnetic field that interacts with the permanent magnets, causing them to alternate between attracting and repelling each other. This back-and-forth movement creates a rotational force that turns the motor.

What is the analogie to repel?

The analogy to repel is attract. Just like repelling forces push objects away from each other, attracting forces pull objects towards each other.

Related questions

When two bar magnets bring together what can we observe?

You can observe them attracting or repelling each other.

Are repelling magnets stronger than attracting magnets?

The strength of repelling and attracting magnets depends on various factors such as their size, shape, and distance between them. In general, repelling magnets can exhibit strong forces due to the energy required to overcome their natural inclination to repel. However, the strength of attracting magnets can also be powerful depending on the magnetic properties of the materials involved.

If two magnets are attracted to one another and another two are repelling the two magnets that are being attracted can you move the 2 magnets by repelling it by the repelling magnet?

Yes, you can move the two magnets being attracted by using the repelling magnets to push them away. By strategically positioning the repelling magnets close to the attracted ones, you can create forces that will cause movement in the desired direction.

Does north stick to north for magnets?

No. The north sides of two magnets do not stick together because they have the same polarity. The north and south sides of a magnet, however, do stick together because they are on opposite poles and, pertaining to magnets, opposites attract. actually if you push two repelling magnets together so they touch they will stick, without flipping, not entirely sure why they don't repel but it seems that the magnetic fields somehow overlap, so that within the repelling field there is a small of the attracting field, i know this isn't true of the attracting side because the magnets stick together regardless, but on the repelling side when they touch they will stick

What do you mean by the directional properties of magnets?

Directional properties of magnets refer to their ability to attract or repel other magnets based on their orientation of poles. Magnets have two poles, north and south, which interact with each other according to the laws of magnetism, such as opposite poles attracting and like poles repelling. This property allows magnets to exert forces in specific directions depending on how they are aligned.

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Can magnets also repel metal?

Yes, magnets can repel certain types of metal, specifically those that are ferromagnetic. When two magnets with like poles facing each other are brought close, they will exert a repelling force on each other. This repelling force can also act on certain metals, causing them to be repelled by the magnet.

What is the force exerted only be by protons nearest?

The force exerted only by protons nearest to each other is the electromagnetic force. This force is responsible for repelling or attracting protons based on their charges, with like charges repelling each other and opposite charges attracting each other.

How do attracting and repelling forces between magnets and elctromagnets make a motor turn?

In a motor, the attracting and repelling forces between magnets and electromagnets interact to create a rotating motion. When electric current flows through the coil of wire in the electromagnet, it generates a magnetic field that interacts with the permanent magnets, causing them to alternate between attracting and repelling each other. This back-and-forth movement creates a rotational force that turns the motor.

What is the analogie to repel?

The analogy to repel is attract. Just like repelling forces push objects away from each other, attracting forces pull objects towards each other.

Why are magnets stored in attracting positions?

Magnets are often stored in attracting positions to prevent them from losing their magnetism over time. By storing them in this way, the magnetic domains within the magnet remain aligned, helping to maintain their magnetic strength. Storing magnets in attracting positions also reduces the risk of them becoming demagnetized due to exposure to external magnetic fields.

When there are two or more charges the electric fields of each individual charge what by repelling or attracting?
