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The initials TW stand for total weight. One characteristic of every diamond is its carat weight. When a jeweler mounts several diamonds into jewelery, the jeweler may describe the total carat weight of all the diamonds as TW.

A single diamond will always be more valuable based on its carat weight than multiple diamonds of the same total carat weight.

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Q: Are tw diamonds different from regular diamonds?
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Related questions

What does tw mean in relation to diamonds?

TW stands for the total weight of all the diamonds, expressed in carats.

Is tw diamon ring fake?

No, it is not fake. TW means total weight. In recent browsing of diamonds I've seen more complaints with the clarity of diamonds marked TW and the size, but they also seem to be less expensive.

Are ct tw real diamonds?

The initials CT and TW indicate carat (CT) and total weight (TW), which are both weight measurements for diamonds and other gems. A gemologist can verify that the stones in question are real diamonds. Or not.

What does TW stand for in relation to diamonds?

Total Weight

Is tw good in diamond earrings?

The initials 'tw' indicate the total weight of the diamonds in the earrings. So yes, this is good information to have.

Are chocolate diamonds the same as regular diamonds?

'Regular diamonds' are diamonds described without colour. 'Chocolate diamonds' are brown diamonds that include a description of the colour.

What does 1 ct tw mean?

This means Total weight (TW.) refers to the combined weight of a number of smaller diamonds on a ring. So you could have a 1 carat (ct.) center diamond and 75cts. Total Weight (TW) of side diamonds.

Are black diamonds more rare than regular diamonds?

Black diamonds are more rare than regular diamonds. They are one of the most rare species of colored diamonds.

What is a tw enhanced diamond?

TW means total weight: the combined weight of all the stones in the group of diamonds. Their value is less than if the weight were in an individual stone. Enhanced means that the stones have been artificially enhanced to bring out a natural colour or to hide flaws. Enhanced diamonds are less valuable than natural diamonds.

Stop being a tw at?

The question assumes you're asking when do diamonds stop being described as total weight. One description of a diamond is its carat weight. Individual stones each have a carat weight. When smaller stones are clustered or installed in jewelery, especially in an attempt to make the cluster appear like a larger, single stone, the cluster is often described as [diamonds] tw or total weight. Diamonds stop being identified as tw when each diamond is weighed individually.

What does a black diamond tattoo stand for?

A black diamond tattoo stands for uniqueness, and rarity. Black diamonds are very rare, and much different from traditional, regular diamonds.

Are chocolate diamonds more expensive than regular diamonds?

No, chocolate diamonds are usually less expensive than regular -- white -- diamonds, given equal cut, clarity and carat weight.