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Oh, yes and they were burned, drowned, and killed all the time in his time. Anyone who was a little different, a red head, or disabled were considered witches.

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Q: Are witches considered humans in Shakespeare's day?
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What was Shakespeares attitude to witches and the supernatural?

In Shakespeare's time, certain people were really frightened of witches and believed that they were a clear and present danger to their country. The history of the Salem Witch Trials is an example of this kind of fear, which was only starting in Shakespeare's day. Throughout the seventeenth century, fundamentalist religion became very powerful in England and even overthrew the monarchy, and it is religious fundamentalists who generally are frightened of witches.

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"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" "To be, or not to be? That is the question"

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He died on his Birthday at age 52.

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Who tells Macbeth he will one day be king?

Macbeth is told by three witches that he will one day be king. This prophecy ultimately leads Macbeth to contemplate committing regicide in order to fulfill the witches' prediction.

Berapa usia you sekarang i mean your bday?

23rd April, the same day as William Shakespeares' bday and his death day(!!)

What day do witches meet?

Sandwitch Sunday lol

Who approved to all Shakespeares plays?

The censor, who in Shakespeare's day was the Master of the Revels, Edmund Tilney.

What would the audiance do if they didnt like a play in Shakespeares day?

They would heckle the actors and throw fruit.

Did people still believe in witches in 1913?

Yes, i believe in witches to this very day! i bet your a witch...please dont kill me! :(