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First of all, we must look at the evidence history has laid before our eyes.

Yetis are supposedly rare creatures, inhabiting the Himalayas, a cold and wintry place that few men can traverse. Given the lack of conclusive evidence that the Yeti is real, as no Yeti has ever been photographed or carcass found, we must assume that the Yeti must be unfriendly, or at least shy.

Why would such an animal be shy of us gun-toting, boot-wearing, pick-axe-wielding humans is a mystery to me, but as long as the mystery of the Yeti remains, we can only assume that they are unfriendly.

Would a Yeti help you if you fell in the snow? Or would they be content to devour your protein-filled mushy body as you lay writhing on the ground before them? I know I'd pick the latter.

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13y ago

Yetis are very elusive, and hide from man, so it is unlikely they mean any harm.

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How many yetis are left in the world?

there is no actual proof that there are any yetis in existence.

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There is no accepted scientific evidence that Yetis actually exist. For this reason we can only fantasize regarding their living arrangements.

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One would start the valley of the yetis in FarCry 4 by first signing up for free.

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No, but there are very large mountain dogs!

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He is stronger than the average human.

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There is no positive evidence that the Yeti exists