

Best Answer

The short answer:
Probably not.

The long answer:
THC is stored in your fat cells and is metabolized over time. These metabolites are present and can be detected in your blood, hair, urine, or saliva. Because your body metabolizes THC at a constant rate, the amount of time it takes to rid your system of it all depends on various factors. These factors include, but are not limited to:
- Metabolic rate
- Amount of THC ingested
- Amount of body fat
- Frequency of THC intake.

Let me put this another way. Picture your body as a gallon jug of water with a tiny hole in the bottom allowing a small stream to leak out. Now picture putting a drop of red dye in the bucket. This is your THC. It will disperse quickly and is virtually undetectable. What if you put a drop in every hour? Maybe a slight color change, but over-all it's the same.

Now let's say you put a cup of red dye in the water every hour. The jug cannot let out all of the red dye before you put more in, thus prohibiting you from a clear stream.

With this information in mind, your best chances of passing a drug test are to stop smoking, eating, or vaporizing your herb as soon as you know there is a test coming up. If you fail, don't deny it. The facts are in your pee and a false positive is very rare.

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Yes absolutely it will clean you out in about 3 days but you have to drink about 2 gallons of water a day for the best results

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You don't. Happy unemployment because you couldn't stay off the weed.

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If you are a heavy pot smoker it will take about 28 days for the THC to be cleaned from your system.

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It does not clean out urine.

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The best way to dilute THC from a persons urine is to stop using THC. There are also vitamins that can clean your urine as well.

Does drinking tea and water reduce your THC level?

No. Drinking water does not affect the levels of THC in your blood stream

Can you pass a THC urine test after 25 days clean?

Possibly, yes. There are many factors that would contribute to whether or not it can be detected after that length of time such as amount used, your metabolism, bodyweight, overall health, etc.THC may be detected for about 30 days, possibly longer if you are a heavy user and it is stored in your fat as a result.

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