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Q: Are you getting out of school early today?
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Related questions

Is school getting out early?

that depends on your school, and the date

What is Clear Horizons Early College High School's motto?

The motto of Clear Horizons Early College High School is 'Rising to the challenges of tomorrow today'.

Did you have any bad luck today?

i had to go home early frm school because i vomited.:(

Why do kids hate school so smunch?

Kids don't like getting up early and doing the morning routine and then off to school. When they get home from school they have homework to work on .Kids don't like doing homework or going to bed early for school.

What increases your energy levels getting enough sleep reading for an hour each day getting your school work done early in the day?

getting enough sleep

When you're the oldest are you allowed to stay up late before getting up early for Junior High School through High School?


When you're the oldest are you allowed to stay up late before getting up early from Junior High School through High School?


Will it help your chances of getting into a school by sending in college applications early?

Yes, sending in applications early will improve your chances of getting into a school. Nearly all schools can only accept so many student because of the size of the school and number of dorms. If you have the credentials that a school wants (a good SAT score, good grades, etc.) sending your application in early can ensure you a spot in that school. If that school already has all of the spots filled up and you apply late, your application can be declined even if you have good credentials.

OMG i just barfed in school today and i left early what do i do to survive this?

If you barfed in school today, you may have found it embarrassing. You can survive it by keeping your head up and realizing that embarrassing things happen to everyone at one time or another.

What is the duration of Early Today?

The duration of Early Today is 1800.0 seconds.

How do you And your boyfriend do anything at school without getting caught?

Realy you cant do anything because of the crazy teachers today.

When was Early Today created?

Early Today was created on 1999-01-01.