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(original answer) The egg white discharge has nothing to do with ovulation it is just a normal discharge. You can be pregnant if you had sex 1-9 days after your period ended that was unprotected

With respect to the previous person who answered this, what they said is simply not true. Your CM plays a big part in your ovulation and knowing when you are and are not ovulating and even if you could be pregnant. 30 seconds of research on "cervical mucus during menstrual cycle" will show that.

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Q: Are you pregnant if you have cramps and egg white discharge?
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Is it take time to get pregnant if you have a white discharge problem?

I'm not sure what you mean by "problem" but typically cervical discharge during ovulation has an "egg-white" consistency.

Is it possible to be pregnant if you are breastfeeding and then notice cramps for 2 weeks tender breasts and egg-white vaginal discharge and then the symptoms go away except for breast tenderness?

the breastfeeding explains the tenderness and the cramping, so for now no worries but if you have any other signs get a test and check it out, best of luck

Is egg white discharge a pregnancy sign?

Yes, it is

Is a stretchy egg white discharge a sign of early pregnancy?

No not necessarily. Woman can naturally have a white discharge, implantation bleeding, frequent urination, tender or sore breasts etc... Are symptoms. If you think you may be pregnant do some research and see if you have pregnancy symptoms also I recommend taking a pregnancy test or going to see a doctor... And if your discharge concerns you consult your gynecologist and see what he/she tells you about it.

When you see egg white and stretchy does it mean your pregnant?


How do you know when you are ovulating without taking your temperature?

You will also have a thick, white discharge from your vagina. It will have an egg white consistancy.

Is egg white vaginal discharge a sign of ovulation?

Yes, EWCM (Egg white cervical mucus) is a sign of ovulation, and it is the best medium for sperm to live and swim in.

If you suspect you're pregnant but get your period 2 days early with slight cramps and tiny egg like blood clots and have other symptoms is it possible you could still be pregnant?

It's possible to have a period and still be pregnant

How can you tell if a white goldfish is pregnant?

Goldfish of any type are all egg laying fish which means that they do not get pregnant

What do bettas look like if pregnant?

they have a white egg tube coming out of them and are plump

Do you always have discharge with ov?

In the middle of the menstrual cycle when ovualation occurs you should have a clear, stretchy discharge kind of like uncooked egg whites. It is also possible to have a thick, white to yellow discharge .

Would a lot of discharge stop the sperm from causing you to get pregnant?

Depending on what kind of discharge. If the discharge is clear, slippery, and stretches, (resembling egg whites) this is your most fertile time of the month. You have this kind of discharge right at and during ovulation. This is your sperm friendly mucous, it helps the sperm be more mobile and gives it a healthier environment letting it live longer and also enter your cervix. If it is cloudy or white this is not as " sperm friendly".