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Speed has nothing to do with where you are. You can travel at supersonic speed pretty much anywhere if you have the right vehicle.

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What's difference between subsonic and supersonic?

The main difference is the speed of the object in relation to the speed of sound. Subsonic refers to speeds slower than the speed of sound, while supersonic refers to speeds faster than the speed of sound. In the case of supersonic speeds, objects are traveling faster than the speed at which sound waves propagate in the medium.

What different between ultrasonic wave and supersonic wave?

Ultrasonic waves are sound waves with frequencies higher than the upper limit of human hearing, typically above 20 kHz. Supersonic waves refer to any wave that travels faster than the speed of sound in a medium. While ultrasonic waves are specific to frequency, supersonic waves refer to any wave exceeding the speed of sound.

Does a supersonic jet travel faster than sound?

Yes, a supersonic jet travels faster than the speed of sound, which is approximately 767 miles per hour at sea level. Supersonic jets can reach speeds up to Mach 2 or more, which is twice the speed of sound.

How fast is supersonic speed?

Supersonic speed is defined as speeds greater than the speed of sound, which is approximately 343 meters per second (767 mph) at sea level. Aircraft flying at supersonic speeds typically travel at speeds ranging from Mach 1 to Mach 5, or roughly 343 meters per second to 1716 meters per second.

What is supersonic sound waves?

Supersonic sound waves are sound waves that travel faster than the speed of sound in a medium. This typically occurs in situations where the source of the sound is moving faster than the speed of sound. Objects traveling at supersonic speeds can create shockwaves and sonic booms.

Related questions

Is supersonic the same as the speed of sound?

Supersonic means "Faster than the speed of sound" so they are not the sme thing.

How fast can a supersonic plane fly?

The threshold for supersonic speed is 761 mph in a temperature like 70 degrees. Supersonic speed is any speed greater than the speed of sound (mach 1) and a speed five times the speed of sound (mach 5?) is referred to as hypersonic speed.

What is a supersonic bullet?

A supersonic bullet is a bullet that is faster than the speed of sound.

Why have we been able to build supersonic aircrafts but not supersonic ships?

Because water has a greater resistance than air, so a boat would need to be incredibly powerful to go supersonic, beyond the limits of current technology. The current water speed record is 'only' 345mph.

Why have we been able to build supersonic aircraft but not supersonic ships?

Because water has a greater resistance than air, so a boat would need to be incredibly powerful to go supersonic, beyond the limits of current technology. The current water speed record is 'only' 345mph.

What is an example of supersonic sound?

No such thing as supersonic sound. Things can move with supersonic speed (fighter jets, ends of whips) making a shock wave, but the sound arrives at your ears at the speed of sound.

Why have you been able to create supersonic aircraft but not supersonic ships?

Becuast it's almost impossible to achive that speed in water because it's much denser than air. I assume your talking about water ships and not space ships.

An aircraft that flies faster than the speed of sound is said to be?

Supersonic air craft.

What is supersonic and hypersonic?

Supersonic and hypersonic are speeds. Supersonic means faster than the speed of sound, and hypersonic means very much faster.

What speed is supersonic?

Supersonic speed is a rate of travel of an object that exceeds the speed of sound. An object traveling in dry air at a temperature of 68-degrees F, at sea level, reaches supersonic speed at 768-miles per hour. Since the retirement of the Concorde, there are no supersonic passenger aircraft left in service. The speed of sound decreases somewhat with altitude, due to lower temperatures found there.

What's difference between subsonic and supersonic?

The main difference is the speed of the object in relation to the speed of sound. Subsonic refers to speeds slower than the speed of sound, while supersonic refers to speeds faster than the speed of sound. In the case of supersonic speeds, objects are traveling faster than the speed at which sound waves propagate in the medium.

What is one supersonic aircraft?

One supersonic aircraft is the F-15 Eagle. -Supersonic means it can fly faster than Mach 1, the speed of sound. Most fighter jets today are supersonic, in fact many fly more than twice the speed of sound.