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always, and the second time as well

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Q: Are you usually sick after your first time?
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Why do you get sick the first time when you are infected with a pathogen?

When you are infected with a pathogen for the first time, your immune system has not been previously exposed to it and needs time to recognize and develop a specific response to fight off the invader. This initial lag in immune response allows the pathogen to replicate and cause symptoms of illness before the immune system can mount an effective defense.

Do girls get sick during the first week of pregnancy?

Usually after the second.

Are you entitled to sick pay after having given notice that you are leaving the company.?

Sick Pay is usually given by the employer in advance. Over the course of the fiscal year, the employee "earns" the time back ... If you have used more sick time than what you have accumulated, you will owe the company the equivalent $$, which can be deducted from your final paycheck. If there is an unused amount of earned sick time accumulated, the employee is usually paid for that, although not a par value - usually 50% in most large corporations.

If I call in sick for the first time can my employer fire me?

Yes, unless you have an employment contract or local law specifies otherwise (which it usually does not). Employment is typically at-will, meaning that you may be terminated at any time for any or no reason.

Who cares for the sick?

Usually the families of the sick and hospitals.

Was the first person to provide employees with paid sick and vacation time as well as a five-day work week?

who was the first person to provide employees with paid sick and vacation time as well as a five-day work week.

What was justin bieber first video?

It was a cover of the song "So Sick" he made on the Statford Idol contest. But his very first video as an artist was "One Time" ;)

Does male hamsters eat their pups?

It dose depend but in some cases yes they do. If it is your hamsters first time having pups then yes there is a good chance she will. But if it is not her first time then she most likely wont.

Do cats abandoned their kittens if they are sick?

Not all the time. Usually then the mother will get more aggressive with her owners about touching the kitten.

How does morning sickness feel liket?

Exactly what it says - you feel sick, often are sick. And it can go on all day, not just the morning, but it does tend to stop after the first couple of months, usually.

Do nurses get sick time?

It depends on who they work for. In most hospitals and doctor's offices, yes. In private duty and home care, usually not.

What are symptoms of a sick rat?

usually they sneeze and cough up mucus but I figured a good teaspoon of calpol fixes them up in no time.