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If you are having different periods I don't think it is the C-section, but actually having had a child, whether by operation or vaginally. Before my first child (delivered vaginally) my cycle was 36 days, afterwards my cycle was the more common 28/29 days. Periods may be lighter or heavier after childbirth too.

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16y ago

I think my first period after c-section was a little rough for a few days with a lot of cramping and heavier flow then before.

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Q: Is the first period after a tubal ligation that was performed during a C-section heavier than other periods?
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Is it safe to get a tubal ligation?

Yes, it is very safe to get a tubal ligation. I know several women in my family who have gotten one. But one thing that I have noticed is for some of them their periods are heavier and more painful after they receive their tubal ligation. Talk it over with your doctor and make sure you two decided on a method that is best for you. There are several ways to have your tubes "tied." Good luck and God Bless:)

You are spotting between periods 1 year after tubal ligation?

Most likely u are preg

Can you be pregnant even though you have your periods and underwent a tubal ligation?

The odds would be overwhelmingly against it.

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Has anyone had a hysterectomy years after getting a tubal ligation and does that create complications later on down the road with your periods?

Having a tubal ligation makes no difference to your periods. If you have a hysterectomy you will no longer have periods, well not the bleeding anyway. If you do not have your ovaries removed you will still have pre-menstrual symptoms (if you have them) but you will no longer have cramps or bleeding. If your ovaries are removed as well you will go into the menopause.

Does a late period in a woman who received tubal ligation mean she could be pregnant?

Tubal ligation is not 100 percent effective, although it is nearly so. However, one ramification of the surgery is that periods can be irregular.

You had a tubal ligation and have had regular periods but this month it is very light What could be the problem?

It could just be stress or dietary changes....but considering the increased risk of tubal pregnancies after tubal ligation, it it wise to check with your DR.

Can a woman get pregnant after 16 year tubal ligation and have 2 periods in one month?

Yes. Guilty.

What is tropical upland?

it is a season where heavier rains alternate with dryer periods.

Can you have a longer period do to a failed tubal ligation I have had my period now for 10 days?

I had a tubal ligation after my fourth child jan of 2011 my periods have been different ever since but I have never had one this long or with as much blood

What is tropical upland climate?

it is a season where heavier rains alternate with dryer periods.

Is it possible to be pregnant after a TL and having periods?

It is possible to get pregnant after Tubal Ligation as there is a failure rate for this procedure which must have been discussed before surgery.