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Aristotle initially divided living organisms only into two groups which are plants and animals. The system was not proven to be good because there were too many species of plants and animals. However, the system was used for 2000 until the time of Linnaeus.

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Q: Aristotle divided living organisms into two categories?
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What two categories did airstotle divide living organisms into?

Animal and Plant

How many groups did Aristotle use to classify organisms?

Aristotle divided living things into plants and animals and then subdivided animals into land, water and air. He subdivided plants into small, medium, and large. This caused problem because some animals traveled by walking, swimming and flying.

How did Aristotle classify living things and why did his method prove inadequate?

Aristotle classified living things in very broad categories which are land animals, marine animals and air animals. His method proved inadequate since it did not entail specific classifications.

How are living things organize?

Living things or organisms are organized into several categories. Things categories are cells, tissues, organs and organ systems. These start from smallest and go to biggest.

How many groups did Aristotle divide living things into?

Aristotle divided the animals into five groups. (MR.FAB)M ammalsR eptilesF ishA mphibiansB irds

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the 2 examples of carbohydrates in living organisms are starch and glucose

What was Aristotle's and linnaeus' contributions to classifying living things?

Aristotle classified animals according to their location, and plants according to their stems. Linnaeus, on the other hand, classified organisms according to their form and structure using a seven-level hierarchial system. However, Linnaeus' system was more accurate, being that Aristotle's system of classification was too general and organisms could be placed into more than one category.

What were the contributions of Aristotle and Linnaeus to the classification of living things?

Aristotle develops one of the first methods of classification based on observation of the characteristics of animals and plants. Plants were divided into shrubs, herbs, and trees. Animals were divided into aquatic, terrestrial, and aerial. The method does not apply for organisms like amphibians. Linnaeus develops the binomial system we use today made up of two words that identify the organism: genus and species.

What were the contributions of Aristotle and Carolus Linnaeus to classification of living things?

Aristotle develops one of the first methods of classification based on observation of the characteristics of animals and plants. Plants were divided into shrubs, herbs, and trees. Animals were divided into aquatic, terrestrial, and aerial. The method does not apply for organisms like amphibians. Linnaeus develops the binomial system we use today made up of two words that identify the organism: genus and species.