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No. There is a lot of variation in how vulnerable different people are to becoming addicted. There is actually an "addictive personality" gene. Doctors have no way of predicting how resistant a person will be to becoming addicted to a drug. The best they can do is prescribe a regimen that usually doesn't result in addiction, then follow up with enough observation to alter that dose if necessary. Don't assume that just because a doctor prescribed it, addiction will not happen. One does the best one can, but it's not a guarantee.

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Q: As long as narcotics are prescribed by a doctor their use will not lead to addiction?
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Is it legal or illegal to take prescription drugs that have been prescribed for another person?

YES! Narcotics (opiates) are a controlled substance pretty much everywhere in the world. Sharing, selling or giving your medication (or for that matter, stealing someone else's) are all very serious criminal offenses in the US and Canada that can lead to arrest (that's doesn't necessarily mean your spouse would actually be charged though, that's for a judge to decide) If your spouse is having pain to the extent they feel the need to take narcotics, they should see a doctor immediately. If you're concerned about your spouse showing signs of addiction, again your doctor can give you helpful contacts and information.

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yes, psychological dependence upon drugs may lead to addiction.

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Yes a regular use of steroids can lead to addiction. But there are anti drugs to overcome it.

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Yes. It can most definitely lead to and cause addiction to methamphetamine.

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because it activates a reward centre in your brain and dependence could lead you to do anything for that reward again

What is Xanax Addiction?

Xanax addiction, it is important to first understand what Xanax is. Its generic name alprazolam, belongs to a class of medications called benzodiazepines. It works by depressing the central nervous system, producing a calming effect. When taken as prescribed and under medical supervision, Xanax can be effective in managing anxiety. However, prolonged or excessive use of Xanax can lead to physical and psychological dependence.

What is a habit forming analgesic?

A habit-forming analgesic is a pain-relieving medication that has the potential to be addictive if used improperly or overused. These medications often contain opioids, which can lead to physical dependence and addiction with long-term use. It is important to use habit-forming analgesics only as prescribed and under the guidance of a healthcare provider.

Is Valium a narcotic?

Valium is not the innocent "mothers little helper" of the 1950's, Valium is a serious narcotic that can be addicting. Valium is the brand name for diazepam which is a benzodiazepine in the opioids category. This simply means that Valium is a powerful depressant that slows down brain activity and triggers the reward system. Valium is prescribed for anxiety and insomnia but is very easy to abuse. Many people who are sensitive to addiction find themselves taking more than the prescribed amount of valium. This can lead to physical dependence and Valium addiction.

What is the condition that comes before addiction?

The condition that typically comes before addiction is substance abuse, where a person engages in harmful or hazardous use of a substance. This can lead to increased tolerance, dependence, and ultimately addiction.

What is the correct order in which brain changes occur that lead to alcoholism?

Tolerance, Addiction, Dependence

What happens if you snort cipralex?

Using a drug that a) has not been prescribed for you or, b) not taking it as prescribed may lead to consequences beyond your control.