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Q: Ask us did nativists try to use science?
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How did nativists try to use fake science?

To say that nonwhites were supposedly weaker than whites(: Apex!(:

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To say that nonwhites were weaker races than whites

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How did nativists try to use science?

Nativists in the past have attempted to use pseudo-science to justify their beliefs in racial superiority and discrimination. They leaned on flawed concepts like eugenics and phrenology to support their views and promote policies aimed at restricting immigration and suppressing particular ethnic or racial groups. These misguided attempts to use science to justify discriminatory practices have been widely discredited and criticized by the scientific community.

How do you use nativists in a sentence?

nativist is a word

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ask you science teacher

What did the nativists want to do with immigration?

they wanted to eat their innards, skin them to use as clothes.

Why did nativists use scientific ideas to argue?

That whites were superior to other races

I like this girl who i only talk to in science she sits directly behind me i see her stare at me a couple time she use lot of hand gesture when talk to me does how do i know if she like you in science?

Try going up to her out of science and talking to her. If she responds warmly, ask if she wants to go out, or if you're scared of that, ask if she wants to go out in a group. That way you can talk to her and spend time with her, but it's not so intimidating.

What did nativists use scientific ideas to urge?

they argued whites were the superior race, love you guys

How did natavists try to use fake science?

nonwhites were weaker than whites