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And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord; Luke 2:22

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Q: At 8 days old Jesus was brought to which temple to be presented to god?
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How old was Jesus when he was presented at the temple?

Jesus was likely around 40 days old when he was presented at the temple in Jerusalem, following the Jewish tradition outlined in the Old Testament (Luke 2:22-24).

How many days before did Mary dedicate Jesus to God?

Mary brought Jesus to the temple, before God, to be circumcised, eight days after he was born. Then 33 days after that Mary brought Jesus before the Lord according to the law of Moses, (Leviticus 12,2 to 6)

Was Jesus circumcised and presented at the temple on the same day?

Let us take one answer at a time, first Luke Ch. 2 v 21 And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcising of the child, his name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before he was conceived in the womb. Verse 22 says 'And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord;' This would indicate that Jesus was brought to the temple in Jerusalem but not on the same day as His circumcision.

What ritual did Jesus undergo when he was 8 days old?

us was brought to the temple when he was eight days old to be cercumcised. as it was the sign of being a jew.

What does the holiday Candlemas signify?

The Candlemas day is Feb 2. It's a religious day and it is 40 days after Jesus Christ was born. According to the Catholics, it's the day that Jesus was presented at the temple.

Why was Jesus presented in the temple?

According to God's Law to Moses, 40 days after giving birth to a son, a mother is required to present a purification offering at the temple. That is why Mary bought Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem at 40 days old.

How many day did it take for them to find jesus in the temple?

It took Mary and Joseph a total of three days to locate Jesus in the temple.

Where did people get married in Jesus time?

People must have got married in the temple in Jesus days.

What were Levites in the days of Jesus?

The Levites were a priestly tribe and served in the Temple.

How many days did it take Mary and Joseph take to find Jesus in the temple?

It took them three days of searching to locate Jesus.

In the gospel of Luke who were the two people at the temple as Mary and Joseph presented Jesus?

Mary and Joseph took the baby Jesus to the temple when he was eight days old as it was the custom.

What chapter and verse of the Bible is if found that Jesus said destroy this temple and in three days it will raise up?

This statement can be found in the Gospel of John, Chapter 2, verses 19-21. Jesus said, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." He was referring to the temple of his body and his future resurrection.