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It depends. Ovulation times can be delayed by months or years at a time, or they can come early (this happened to my sister when she was under stress). A conservative number is five days: ie the first five days of your cycle starting on the day your period begins are most likely totally infertile.

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Q: At what point in your cycle are you ovulating?
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What does ovulating mean?

Iam not absolutely sure but It is when a woman is at her most sexually motivated time in the month because of the point of her ovarian cycle

What days will conception likely occur in the mestrual cycle?

When your ovulating.

Can a women have their menstrual cycle without ovulating?

No, women cannot have their menstrual cycle without ovulating. The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle where a woman ovulates and failing pregnancy the uterus lining sheds. If a woman isn't ovulating then there's no possible way for her to menstruate - although she may still experience vaginal bleeding for other reasons such as hormonal imbalance or withdrawal bleeds.

Is it possible for one to start ovulating 2 or 3 days after ovulating?

Yes that can happen although unlikely as ovulation occurs 2 weeks after the cycle begins.

How to get pregnant quick?

To pregnant quick you should track your ovulation cycle and have sex when your are ovulating.

When during a woman's cycle is she most likely to get pregnant?

The most likely time to get pregnant is while you are ovulating. To calculate when you are ovulating, look up an ovulation calendar to see when you are.

What are the chances of natural pregnancy at 49?

it's possible. depends on if you've stopped having your menstrual cycle or not. as long as your having a period, your ovulating. As long as your ovulating, you can get pregnant!

Are tingly breasts and cramping early signs of pregnancy at day 12 of your cycle?

on day 12 of your cycle these symptoms are probably because you are ovulating, not pregnant

What is the time to get pregnant after menstrual cycle starts?

about 2 weeks after your cycle starts again, you will be fertile for about 3 days. you can buy tests to show if you are ovulating or not

Its day eleven of your cycle your cervical mucous is clear and stretchy with small traces of blood can you be ovulating?


What causes you to have a clear discharge with a menstrual cycle?

if it's sticky and clear (egg white consistency) then you are most likely ovulating around this time during your cycle..

Why does your stomach be painful every 14 days of your menstrual cycle?

Around day 14 of your menstrual cycle is when you may be ovulating, so if you are experiencing pain at this point it is likely ovulation pain or maybe due to cysts. If this is a regular occurrence then you should see your doctor to determine what is wrong and look at treatment options.