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Q: Babies laughing at four months is an example of?
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How much is your baby soppose to weigh at four months?

all babies grow at different rates. At four months my baby was around 12 lbs.

How long does a squirrel raise its young?

Mother squirrels normally wean their babies for three to four months

How can a parent prevent infant reflux from happening?

You cannot keep babies from having reflux, babies spit up, it's that simple. It peaks at four months of age. It happens, on average, about thirty times a day for babies. The good news, it stops around 18 months.

When should babies see a doctor?

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises that children be seen for well-baby check ups at two weeks, two months, four months, six months, nine months, twelve months, fifteen months, and eighteen months

How long does the mother take care of her babie?

The mother platypus feeds her babies on mothers' milk for about four months. The young then continue to stay with her for between 18 months and two years.

How many babies do the nine banded armadillo have?

. The nine-banded armadillo is unique in that the females have quadruplets, four identical babies, each time they give birth. Armadillos are mature at six months of age.

Iam four months 2 weeks pregnant but you i cant feel the baby and this is the second child?

Babies dont start kicking and moving until your 6 months pregnant, Im positive.

How may babies can a spider monkey give birth to?

Spider monkey females have one to four babies in their lifetime. Normally this is just one baby at a time every 2 to 4 years.

How much babies does a tiger give birth to?

The Bengal tigress normally has two to four, sometimes more, cubs in a litter.

Lawl. lawl. lawl.?

LAWL is an abbreviation for four different words. LAWL refers to laughing a whole lot. The second and third LAWL is the same, laughing a whole lot. This is similar to LOL, laughing out loud.

How many is a Quintuplet?


What should 4 month old babies do or watch?

my babies watched Baby Einstein videos starting about four months old and have enjoyed them very much. the videos also helped me teach them. they also liked the Sesame Street Beginnings DVDs.