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Bacteria and blue-green algae are both primitive prokaryotes that live on earth now, as well as long time ago. Just recently they have changed blue green algae or cyanobacteria to be in the kingdom prokaryotes.

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Because these are the simplest organisms that could have existed. Every organism starts from the smallest and simplest living subunit and then develops further.

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Q: Bacteria and blue-green algae are both primitive prokaryotic that live on earth?
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Which kingdom do single-celled organisms that do not have a nucleus belong in?

The Kingdom Monera contains prokaryotic organisms: the bacteria and bluegreen algae.

Are algae prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

Bacteria are the only prokaryotes, so algae are eukaryotic.

Which type of cell found in bacteria and blue green algae?

Prokaryotic cells are found in bacteria and blue green algae

What kingdom are bluegreen algae?

They are in kingdom Monera.

What function is performed by eukaryotic cells but not prokaryotic cells?

The definition of eukaryotic is that of any organism having as its fundamental structural unit a cell type that contains specialized organelles in the cytoplasm, characteristics of all life forms except bacteria, blue algae and other primitive organisms.

Prokaryotic cell walls are constructed out of what?

Prokaryotic cell walls are made out of peptidoglycan if its for bacteria. In the algae most posses a cell wall made out of surface layer protein, which forms a s-layer.

Are algae cells prokaryotic?

Algae are not prokariyotic.They are eukariyotic organisms.

Are algae prokaryotic?

No they are not prokariyotes.They have eukariyotic cells

How does depletion of the ozone layer effect bluegreen algae?

Depletion of ozone lets the UV to come in. These UV if fall on blue-green algae can destroy them.

Is green algae prokaryotic?

No, all algae is Eukaryotic, for they are in the kingdom Protista.

Which kingdoms are prokaryotic and Eukaryotic?

There are 6 kingdoms recognized in America today. Only one kingdom is considered to be prokaryotic, and that is Bacteria. The other five fall under eukaryotic: Fungi, Protists (Algae and Protozoa), Animalia, Chromista, and Plantae.

Do bacteria have plastids?

Some bacteria have chloroplasts. For example, cyanobacteria. They are photosynthetic bacteria No, bacteria do not have chloroplasts because they are prokaryotic which means they can't have membrane bound organelles other than ribosomes.. Chloroplasts are membrane bound organelles. As for the cyanobacteria, they are indeed photosynthetic, but they still don't have chloroplasts. It is somewhat misleading. They were once called blue-green algae (they even fooled earlier scientists) but are now considered bacteria because they lack a membrane bound nucleus and chloroplasts.