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While it may be true that bacteria do not have nuclei like the other kingdom's of life, they still have genetic material, often as a singular circular strand. In addition, some bacteria contain smaller additional strands of circular DNA called plasmids that allow for additional properties, often impacting its antibiotic resistance and virulence. All the lack of a nucleus means is that the genetic material is not bound to a single area, it is free to roam throughout the cell. If bacteria did not have genetic material they would have no way of reproducing and spreading their traits. Genetic material is essential to the formation of new life forms and the expressions of characteristics. Even viruses which aren't even classified as alive contain genetic information!

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14y ago
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14y ago

Bacteria is a living a cell so it doesnt lack it. As far as i know of.

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12y ago

Bacteria are prokaryotes because they do not contain a membrane-bound nucleus.

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8y ago

They are prokaryotes because they do not contain a membrane-bound nucleus.

well that doesn't answer my question -__-

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Q: Bacteria are called what because their genetic material is not contained in nuclei?
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Why do Bacteria differ from viruses because bacteria have?

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What is genetic material contained in an individual?

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Where is the genetic material in bacteria cell?

The genetic material in a bacteria cell is found in the cytoplasm.

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Eukarya has a doubled walled nucleus containing the genetic material and Bacteria and Archaea do not have contained genetic material. Eukarya has membrane bound organelles and the other two Domains do not. These are the pertinent differences.

What genetic material is in both viruses and bacteria?

Both viruses and bacteria contain genetic material in the form of DNA or RNA. Viruses can have either DNA or RNA as their genetic material, while bacteria typically have DNA as their genetic material.

What is a small single celled organisms that do not contain nuclei?

These are called prokaryotes or bacteria and do not contain a nucleus. The genetic material of bacteria is contained in a single, circular chain of DNA.

Do bacteria genetic material change?

Yes, bacteria can undergo genetic changes through mutation, recombination, and horizontal gene transfer. These changes can lead to the evolution of new traits, antibiotic resistance, and adaptation to different environments.

Do bacteria have genetic material?

yes, it have

What type of genetic material do bacteria have?

The genetic material of a bacterium is found floating freely in the cytoplasm.

How bacteria exchanged genetic material?


What genetic material is found in bacteria?


What is the genetic material contained inside a cells nucleus?

The genetic material contained inside a cell's nucleus is DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). This DNA carries the instructions for the development, functioning, growth, and reproduction of an organism. It is organized into structures called chromosomes.