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Q: Barry Manilow's hit song Could It Be Magic is based on a composition by whick composer?
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What is the name of this composition?

It could have been written by an Ukrainian or Russian composer and it is based on a strong tympani rhytms. At the end of composition, the entire orchestra (or ensemble) yells the war chant huzzah/hurrah.

Who is a bass composer?

Someone who composes bass music is a simply a composer. You could call him/her a bass composer but no one really does.

Could you mention some famous mycologists?

john Cage (modern composer) john Cage (modern composer)

Importance of composition?

Composition is important cause it shows people what a picture could do.

In Pokemon does dawn like barry?

She could

What is video composition?

Without a context, it is difficult to give you the answer you want. You could term a filmed sequence as a 'video composition' in much the same way that you could term a musical sequence as a 'musical composition'.

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Mozart is a composer how could there be food in him (and he is dead)

Who was the composer of Only god could love you more?

Paul Klee

Who wrote the composition?

Could you please provide more details about the composition you are referring to?

What is the meaning of a composition in writing composition?

Composition is the relationship of all of the parts of a piece of artwork to each other. It can be a conscious choice by the artist, or it can be a product of the artist's process. One component of composition is balance, a tree on one side of a painting could balance a person on the other side if they were both the same height, color, or weight.

What could be the future of barry and Dora?

there ain't one lolololololololol

Had JS Bach always planned to be a composer?

Being exposed to music since birth, yes, one could say he planned to become a composer. or it was planned for him by his parents and family.