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Because enzymes have high specificity fewer than fifteen are required by any organism true or false?

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Q: Because enzymes have high specificity fewer than fifteen are required by any organism true or false?
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Related questions

How many enzymes are required per organism?

The number of genes it has.

Enzymes control this aspect of chemical reactions?

Enzymes control the rate of chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur. This enables reactions to proceed at a faster pace and with more specificity than without enzymes. Enzymes do not change the overall equilibrium of a reaction.

What property of enzymes does protease not working on lipids show?

Enzyme specificity .

Only small amounts of enzymes are required for reactions within cells because enzymes are?

Enzymes are catalysts that speed up chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur. This means that only small amounts of enzymes are required to facilitate reactions in cells efficiently. Additionally, enzymes can be reused multiple times, further reducing the need for large quantities.

Who has enzymes?

Every organism has enzymes

Why are enzymes important catalysts?

Enzymes are important catalysts because they speed up chemical reactions by lowering the activation energy required for the reaction to occur. They are highly specific, only reacting with specific substrates to produce specific products. This specificity allows enzymes to regulate cellular processes and maintain homeostasis in living organisms.

Why a different enzyme is required for each type of food substance?

Different enzymes are required for each type of food substance because enzymes are specific in their action and can only catalyze reactions involving specific substrates. Each enzyme has a unique active site that can only bind to specific molecules, allowing for the breakdown of different types of food substances. This specificity ensures that the enzymes can efficiently break down complex molecules into simpler forms for absorption and utilization by the body.

What 4 things affect the ways enzymes work?

specificity, temp, ph, inhibitors

Can an enzyme bind to nearly any molecule?

Enzymes have specific binding sites that match the shape and properties of their target molecules, known as substrates. While many enzymes can interact with a variety of molecules, they generally have higher affinity and specificity for certain substrates based on their chemical structure and functional groups. This specificity allows enzymes to catalyze specific chemical reactions in living organisms.

Why are DNA repair enzymes important to an organism's survival?

DNA repair enzymes are crucial for an organism's survival because they help maintain the integrity of the genetic material by fixing any damage or mutations that occur. Without these enzymes, there would be a higher risk of accumulating DNA damage, which can lead to diseases such as cancer or cell death. By ensuring the accuracy of DNA replication and stability of the genome, these enzymes play a vital role in preventing genetic abnormalities and maintaining the overall health of the organism.

What are the different types of enzyme specificity with examples?

Enzymes exhibit different types of specificity, including substrate specificity (acting on a specific substrate), stereospecificity (acting on a specific stereoisomer), and regiospecificity (acting at a specific region of a substrate). For example, trypsin exhibits substrate specificity by cleaving peptide bonds after lysine or arginine residues, while lactase exhibits substrate specificity by hydrolyzing lactose.

Can enzymes help many different many reactions?
