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Q: Benign fatty deposit under the skin causing bump?
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Do humans have fatty layer under their skins?

Humans have a layer of fat under their skin called subcutaneous fat.

What things cause fatty liver disease?

Fatty tissue is also called as lipomas. Lipomas is a growth of fatty tissue that slowly develops just under your skin. The causes for the fatty tissues are unknown.

How do succulents affect building foundations?

Succulents affect building foundations if they are planted too closely to the foundation. They can grow under the foundation causing instability.

What are Fatty deposit on the eyeball?

There are absolutely no studies to suggest that dairy produce causes this problem.My eye problems were cause after a very hot summer as well as a series of schleral grafts.Giving up dairy can lead to other problems.AnswerCalcium deposits underneath the eye lids is caused by overexposure to dairy products. This includes milk and cheese. It is recommended that you eliminate such food products if possible. Consult your doctor if the deposits are not eliminated after a week. ******** this answer is what ive only heard by word of mouth. i read that people with dairy allergies get this as well. best answer ive read is that the calcium is absorbed into the soft tissue around the eyes basically because your eyes arent tearing enough of it out.******* stupid wiki answers..... that's what you get.

How does hand soap kill bacteria?

Scrubbing with hand soap, including under your fingernails, and then running warm water over your hands loosens the bacteria so they are removed and sent down the drain to die.

Related questions

What is the medical term meaning surgical removal of fat beneath the skin?

Liposuction is the medical term for the surgical removal of fat beneath the skin.

What could a painless and soft swelling or lump be on the right shoulder of a 62 year-old male?

If you can move it around and it feels like it is just under the skin layers, most likely it is a lipoma. A lipoma is a benign tumor, in this case a fatty deposit. It is nothing serious and as long as it does not affect your activities of daily living, then you do not need to be concerned about it. If it changes, or causes any kind of pain, it would be nest to see a primary care provider to determine if it is something other than a lipoma.

How are renal cyst s determined to be benign or cancer?

Usually by taking a tissue biopsy. The sample is examined under a microscope to determine whether it's benign or cancerous.

There's something in my jaw under all the layers of skin its like a really small ball and can move it and when I put only a small amount of pressure it hurtsWhat is it?

It is likely a fatty deposit. Nothing to worry over if it is. But to be safe, you might want to see your doctor.

How much is the amount of deposit that will be subjected for investigation under the anti money laundering?

how much is the amount of deposit taht will be subjected for investigation under the anti money laundering?

Calcium deposit under big toe?

Not under the BIg Toe but in the ball joint.

What kind of tissue is a lipoma composed of?

A lipoma is a benign tumor that is composed of adipose (fat) tissue. It is a non-cancerous growth that typically forms just under the skin, although it can also occur in deeper tissues. Lipomas are generally soft to the touch and can vary in size.

Which is a condition of the male sex glands surrounding the urethra just under the urinary bladder?

Benign prostatic hyperplasia

Do humans have fatty layer under their skins?

Humans have a layer of fat under their skin called subcutaneous fat.

Can a wife deposit her husband's paycheck?

A wife can deposit her husbands paycheck if the husband has signed the back of the check. The wife must also sign the back under the husbands name in order to deposit the check.

Meaning of security deposit?

A security deposit is an advanced deposit that is generally retained by the landlord during your tenancy. The landlord is obligated to return such deposit within 30 days with interest earned, if any, and/or an itemized list of expenses for which the landlord is offsetting the deposit amount (for which he wants to keep some or all of the deposit). The laws regulating such deposit varies between states under the Landlord/Tenant laws of that state.

What is the chance someone will get benign prostatic hyperplasia?

The chances someone will get benign prostatic hyperplasia depends on their age. under 40 the chances are about 1 in 12. as you get older the chances increase to about 50%. then after 80 years of age the chances are about 80%.