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Yeah thats good alone better then evil company

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2mo ago

It's often better to be alone than to be in the company of people who bring negativity or harm into your life. Choosing to be alone can be a healthier option if it means protecting your well-being and peace of mind. Surrounding yourself with positive influences is important for your personal growth and happiness.

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Q: Better to be alone than the evil company?
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According to Plato is evil unreal?

According to Plato, evil is a lack of knowledge or understanding rather than a separate, tangible entity. He believed that true knowledge leads to goodness, and that those who do evil are simply ignorant of what is truly good. In this sense, evil is considered unreal in that it is a result of ignorance rather than an inherent quality.

In the context of apologetics groothius thinks that it is sufficient to offer a defense against the problem of evil rather than offer a theodicy?

Groothius argues that offering a defense against the problem of evil is more feasible than constructing a theodicy, as theodicies aim to provide a comprehensive explanation for why evil exists. Groothius believes that a defense can demonstrate that belief in God is reasonable despite the existence of evil, without needing to fully justify or explain the presence of evil in the world.

Is evil an abstract noun?

Yes, evil is considered an abstract noun because it represents a concept or quality rather than a physical object. It is a term used to describe the absence of goodness or morality.

What is the word for thinking that you are better than others?

The word for thinking you are better than others is "arrogance" or "egotism."

What does He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to prepare it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it mean?

This quote implies that by not speaking out or taking action against evil, one is complicit in its perpetuation. Allowing evil to go unchallenged enables its continuation and can be seen as a form of support or participation in its existence. To truly combat evil, one must actively oppose it rather than passively accepting or ignoring it.

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Because bad company can and does lead one astray.

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I would advise: alone. As the saying goes, ' one becomes like those one hangs around.'

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Not exactly sure, but George Washington did write it. In, his own copy of of the Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior In Company and Conversation: "Associate yourself with Men of good Quality if you Esteem your own Reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad Company." Source:

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I don't think a Fitness course is better than exercising alone. When you exercise alone, it's easier to make up the time and the exercises that works best for you.

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Not by a longshot.

Which bey is better than evil gemios?

well earth eagle is better than it and rock aires and rock leon in my opinion

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Trick question....your mum?

A joint stock company worked better than individual investors for sponsoring colonies?

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