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one, and binary compounds don't always contain hydrogen, just 2 different elements

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Binary acids contain hydrogen and one other element.

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Q: Binary acids contain hydrogen and how many other elements?
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What are binary acids?

Binary acids are acids that consist of only two elements: hydrogen and a non-metal. When dissolved in water, they release hydrogen ions. Examples include hydrochloric acid (HCl) and hydrofluoric acid (HF).

What elements to nucleic acids contain?

Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Phosphorus.

What three elements make a fatty acid?

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What elements are found in certain amino acids?

Amino acids contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen. Some amino acids also contain sulfur.

Which elements do organic acids contain?

I think it is Nitrogen, Carbon, Hydrogen, sometimes Sulfur, Phosphorus, and Oxygen

What is the difference between binary acid and oxyacid?

First of all: oxoacids is preferred over oxyacidsBinary acids are certain molecular compounds in which hydrogen is combined with ONE second nonmetallic element. (They are also called hydracids)Examples: HF, HCl, HBr, HI, H2O, H2SThe names of binary acids begin with hydro- followed by the name of the other element modified to end with -ic (like in hydrochloric acid).Binary Acids are one of two classes of acids, the second being the Ternary Acids.The Ternary acids either consist of a hydrogen, oxygen, and one other nonmetal element, called the oxoacids (like HNO3) or hydrogen and two other nonmetal elements (like HCN).Answer:So:binary acids: hydrogen + one (nonmetallic) element (like HCl, H2S)andoxo-acids: hydrogen + oxygen + one (nonmetallic) element (like HNO3, H2CO3)

What does acids contain?

All acids contain at least one hydrogen ion.

Elements in nucleic acids?

The building blocks of nucleic acids are nucleotides, which consist of a sugar molecule (ribose or deoxyribose), a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base (adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, or uracil). These nucleotides are linked together via phosphodiester bonds to form the backbone of DNA and RNA molecules. The sequence of nitrogenous bases along the nucleic acid strand encodes genetic information.

What elements does acid contain?

Acid is not a single substance. Rather acids are a group of compounds generally characterized by the production of Hydronium ions (H3O+) in water. Nearly all acids contain hydrogen but can include a wide varity of other elements.

Does acid or base contains hydrogen?

Acids contain hydrogen ions (H+), which are released when the acid dissolves in water. Bases, on the other hand, can accept hydrogen ions, but do not necessarily contain hydrogen in their formula.

What elements make up cysteine amino acid?

Cysteine is made up of a central carbon atom bonded to a hydrogen atom, an amino group (NH2), a carboxyl group (COOH), and a thiol group (SH). The thiol group is what distinguishes cysteine from other amino acids and gives it its unique properties, such as the ability to form disulfide bonds.

What are two elements found in amino acids?

Every amino acid will always contain Nitrogen, Carbon, Oxygen and Hydrogen