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Yes, blackmail it is against the law.

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Q: Is it illegal to blackmail
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Is blackmail illegal in Illinois?

Yes, blackmail is illegal in Illinois.

Is blackmail over adultery illegal?

Blackmail is illegal no matter what the reason. It's a felony

Can a spouse blackmail the other spouse?

is it illegal for a spouse to blackmail the other spouse

Is blackmail illegal in Egypt?

yes yes yes it is its illegal in every country.

Why not blackmail someone who deserves it say because of a relationship?

It is illegal.

Can a school principal blackmail a student and keep his job?

Yes, not all blackmail is illegal or undesirable. For example, "Go to detention or I will call your parents," is technically a form of blackmail, but hardly illegal. If the blackmail is illegal, the blackmailer should be arrested. This assumes that someone aside from the blackmailer and the person who is being blackmailed knows about the blackmail. If not, it is unlikely that the person who is being blackmailed will tell anyone they are being blackmailed and the principal isn't going to say anything. The school principal should not be allowed to keep their job, but if no one knows about it, there is no one to complain about it.

Is it illegal to use photos on the net?

it completely depends on what photo it is is its blackmail then yes

Is black mailing illegal?

Yes, blackmail is a form of both fraud and harassment.

How do I blackmail someone if they are blackmailing you?

Blackmail is illegal and can have serious consequences. It is important to seek legal advice and report the blackmail to the authorities. Do not engage in further wrongdoing by attempting to blackmail the individual back.

How do you blackmail your siblings?

It's not very sensible to blackmail your siblings (depending on the seriousness of the blackmail). Emotional blackmail can be very harsh and therefore could make you and your siblings drift apart or create a rift between you. However, if you must blackmail them, then it is best to find some information that they really don't want your parents to find out. Then you threaten to tell your parents the information unless they give you whatever it is you want. If the matter is very serious, then blackmail isn't a good idea as it is illegal.

What do you call the money got from a person under threat of telling his friends of some wrong he has done?

I believe it is just blackmail money. The act is called blackmail or extortion, and is illegal especially if paired with a specific threat.

What should you do if you reported someone to immigration for trying to blackmail you after you refused to help her in illegal activities but they said they don't pick these people up anymore?

The commission of a crime should be reported to local authorities, and blackmail is a crime. The fact that the person may be an illegal immigrant is not relevant, if they have broken the law they should be taken into custody.