

Blood in your spit

Updated: 6/10/2024
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14y ago

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mouth bleeding. or you're coughing it up. Get checked for Tuberculous's ("T.B.") ASAP

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2d ago

Seeing blood in your saliva may indicate gum disease, cavities, or other oral health issues. It could also be a sign of a more serious condition like an infection or injury. It's important to consult with a dentist or healthcare provider to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment.

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Yes, go to the doctor and he will tell you what to do next. Spitting blood is a problem.

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There are no Iguanas that 'spit blood'. I think you're referring to the horned lizard - which, as a defence mechanism, has the ability to rupture the blood vessels at the corner of its eyes - shooting a stream of blood at an attacker.

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If there was blood in the mouth, they would probably spit it out if they didn't want it. They wouldn't do so for any other reason in common legend.

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tuberculoses and lung rupture make you cough blood, but pretty much anything that causes you to bleed inside your mouth can cause you to spit blood.

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The answer would be no. If the person spit blood into your mouth and you had a sore then YES. Spit will not give you HIV.

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Go to a doctor...immediately.

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