

Bone pain in ball of foot?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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You have sesamoidtitis. caused when their is to much pounding or pressure on the ball of your foot. I had this problem two and it got so bad it fractured the sesimoid bone. the bone is a tiny little bone in the ball of your foot, their are 2 of the same bone one on the outside and one on the inside, you should know which bone is injured by where most of the pain comes from (the outer or inner part of the ball on of your foot). their are different ways to approach the situation by either having a boot to rest your foot for a few weeks. crutches are your choice. if you really want to rest it u can have your doctor put a cast on it. also you can get a coutarzon shot to eaz the pain. last if this doesn't go away after numerous times, rest and treatment their is also the option of removing the sesimoid.

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As with any body pain, there are multiple reasons for incurring pain in the ball of your foot. One of the most common causes is imbalance of the foot bones created by conditions such as shoe wear that does not fit properly or support the foot as it should. Other reasons include Arthritis, aging, Diabetes, injuries, enlarged metatarsal head, and much more.

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There are many things that cause pain - see a doctor to find out which is causing your pain.

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It depends how much pain is "a lot." Different people have different tolerances for pain. However, if you break any bone in your foot, is will feel worse under pressure when standing. It is not recommended to stand with a fractured bone in your foot.

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presciption drugs , crutches

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There are many causes of pain in the foot. Pain in the foot can be a result of an injury such as a sprain, fracture or broken bone. If your foot pain persists you should seek advice from a medical professional.

What doctor treats ball of foot pain?

Treating your ball of foot pain would fall into the careful hands of a chiropractor. A doctor is not required usually, but if so, your chiropractor will send you there if their eventual diagnosis warrants a doctor's consultation.

Do high heels cause foot pain?

high heels do give the feet pain, but when you walk only on the ball of your feet(front part of feet). also if you wear high heels often for a long period of time, this can cause a bone to stick out from the back of your foot, but if your feet do hurt after wearing them once, do give them a massage.

Ball of foot pain?

A condition called metatarsalgia can have a symptom like pain in the ball of a foot. Another symptom is inflammation. There are many different causes for this condition, including sports activities like running, foot deformities, excess weight, and improperly fitting shoes.

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Try bending your foot backwards or hurrdiling a hard ball on the anke bone directly

What is the ball in your foot?

ball of foot means a ball has a foot stuck. to it so there is a diffrens beetween foot ball and ball foot. foot ball is a game with a ball. but ball of foot is when the foot is stuck to the ball! get it?