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The Narcotics Anonymous symbol is a circle with a square standing on it's corner within the circle. (The square looks like a diamond shape like a Baseball field - consider home plate at the bottom of the circle, 2nd base at the top of the circle, and 3rd and 1st base on the left and right sides of the circle, respectively.) Each of the corners of the square are touching the circle. Each area has meaning. The outer circle symbolizes a universal and total program with room for all that comes from being in recovery. When you look at the symbol as one dimensional the square looks like just that, a square. If you look at the symbol as three dimensional you can now imagine the square as the base of a pyramid. The square base of this pyramid is Good will. This is not only the base of the pyramid, but also the base of Narcotics Anonymous and the recovering addict. Good will is best shown in service when addicts do the right thing for the right reason. The four pyramid sides that rise from the base of the square represent Self, Society, Service, and God. The imaginary sides of the square that rise up to form a pyramid come to a point, which is Freedom.

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