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an excretion is an example of breathing out Co2

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It's excretion. It is a life process. an example is that it breathes out carbon dioxide.

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Respiration is breathing in and absorbing oxygen, and breathing out carbon dioxide.

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Q: Breathing out carbon dioxide is an example of a life process?
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Why is it not possible to stop breathing voluntarily?

Breathing is the only process where exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs. Oxygen is being delivered to the body parts where oxygen is needed, whilst removing carbon dioxide.

The breathing center in the brain is most sensitive to the?

levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. When carbon dioxide levels rise, the breathing center stimulates the muscles of respiration to increase breathing rate and depth. This helps to eliminate excess carbon dioxide and restore a balance in blood gas levels.

What is a waste product of breathing?

Carbon-Dioxide is the gas we breath out. But is also the gas trees need to keep alive.

What does the photosynthetic process removes from the environment?

carbon dioxide and puts oxygen back into the environmentcarbon dioxide

What is the difference between respiration and breathing?

What is the difference between breathing and respiration? Both breathing and respiration are required for all living organisms. Generally, breathing and respiration are often considered the same. However, there is a great difference between these two words. Breathing is a constant process where you breathe in and out constantly through out the day. It is a process of taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. Respiration is a process where the body breaks down the oxygen, so that the cells in the body can use it. It is a part of metabolic process also known as catabolic process of a cellular activity where energy molecule is released while carbon dioxide and water are produced. Breathing is a physical process and respiration is a chemical process. Breathing is a process of taking oxygen into the lungs while respiration is taking the oxygen from the lungs into the blood stream or to the cells.

Related questions

What process is breathing out carbon dioxide part of?

Respiration is breathing in and absorbing oxygen, and breathing out carbon dioxide.

What type of process is breathing'?

respitatory, taking oxygen in...and breathing carbon dioxide out. carbon dioxide=Co2 and oxygen = O

What process is breathing carbon dioxide?

Respiration. We breathe in oxygen, and return carbon dioxide to the air.

What is the process of taking in oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide?

Cellular photosynthesis

What is the process called when the carbon dioxide leaves the animal?


Why is it not possible to stop breathing voluntarily?

Breathing is the only process where exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs. Oxygen is being delivered to the body parts where oxygen is needed, whilst removing carbon dioxide.

Why is not possible to stop breathing voluntarily?

Breathing is the only process where exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide occurs. Oxygen is being delivered to the body parts where oxygen is needed, whilst removing carbon dioxide.

An increased rate of breathing as a result of an increased buildup of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream would be best described as an example of?

An increased rate of breathing as a result of an increased buildup of carbon dioxide in the bloodstream would be best described as an example of?

What two gases are used in the breathing process?

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are the two gases involved in the breathing process. Oxygen is inhaled and used by the body for cellular respiration, while carbon dioxide is the waste product that is exhaled from the body.

What two gases are exchanged during the breathing process?

Carbon-di oxide are you a fool bozo

What process causes humans to release carbon dioxide into the air?

inhaling and exhaling short: breathing

What would happen if you kept on breathing in carbon dioxide?

There is carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. You have been breathing it in all your life.