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Q: Burning hot cheeks and painful cough?
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What figurative language is it is feeling her cheeks heat up like a hot flame?

her cheeks got hot

What are the release dates for The Doctors - 2008 Too Hot for TV 2 Hot Temper Can Trigger Stroke Fire Ant Deaths Surprising Reasons for Your Burning Throat Flaming Feet Fix?

The Doctors - 2008 Too Hot for TV 2 Hot Temper Can Trigger Stroke Fire Ant Deaths Surprising Reasons for Your Burning Throat Flaming Feet Fix was released on: USA: 11 February 2014

What are the release dates for Siskel and Ebert and the Movies - 1986 Doc Hollywood Return to the Blue Lagoon Hot Shots Paris Is Burning Another You?

Siskel and Ebert and the Movies - 1986 Doc Hollywood Return to the Blue Lagoon Hot Shots Paris Is Burning Another You was released on: USA: 1991

Why do you get red cheeks outside on a winter's day?

because of your body temperature which is meant to be around 37 degrees celsius, it goes much colder because of the cold air which is hitting your face and your body is trying to warm itself back up, and it shows this by turning your cheeks red.

What is the recommended internal dosage of black cumin seed extract?

Headache: .5 tsp. of the extract after meals. Cough: .5 tsp. of diluted extract 1 or 2 times a day with a hot drink. Diarrhea: 1 tsp. extract with yogurt twice a day.

Related questions

What figurative language is it is feeling her cheeks heat up like a hot flame?

her cheeks got hot

You Burned your hand on a hot glue gun and it won't stop burning it is very painful?

Yes, very painful try not to touch the sides or metal part or you wil get a burn mark!

What is the temperature needed to make cheeks flush?

If it is hot it dose make your cheeks red or pink!

What are the symptoms of erysipelas?

Classically, the usual presentation is a bright-red, butterfly-shaped rash appearing across the bridge of the nose and the cheeks. It is hot to the touch, painful, shiny, and swollen, with clearly defined margins. The edges of the rash are.

What does it mean if your child suddenly has flushed hot cheeks?

If a child suddenly has flushed, hot cheeks they most likely have a fever. This can also happen to the ears when a fever comes on suddenly.

Why did humans evolve but cheeks?

Humans evolved to have buttocks (cheeks) as part of their anatomy for various reasons including providing cushioning for sitting, aiding in balance and movement, and facilitating heat dissipation. Additionally, having well-developed gluteal muscles is important for posture and overall body strength.

Will taking metropol cause red hot cheeks?

Metoprolol should not cause red hot cheeks, that sounds more like a hot flash. Metoprolol is used for blood pressure, this may in fact cause a hot flash, if you are controlling your blood pressure.

What does feeling your cheeks heat up like a hot flame mean?

It means you are embarrassed and blushing. The blood rushes to the cheeks and turns them red.

Can the steroid dexamethosane make you feel hot and have rosy cheeks?

The steroid dexamthasone has the following side effects.They are as follows: you can experience problems with your vision, swelling, rapid weight gain and shortness of breath.You can also suffer severe depression, you can produce bloody or tarry stools and cough up blood. In additon you may also suffer from low potassium and dangerously high blood pressure. The high blood pressure if you experience it may make you feel hot and have rosy cheeks

What do you take when you cough?

cough Suryp drink plenty of liquids and always get enough sleep

What is hot port and lemon juice called?

Cough medicine

What has been activated in the body when you get sweaty hands and cheeks feel hot?

The Autonomic System