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established the requirement for certifying officers within DoD

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Q: By passing the certifying Officer Legislation Congress?
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By passing the Certifying Legislation Congress?

established the requirement for Certifying Officers within DoD

Different functions of the president and congress in passing legislation?

Congress passes the legislation while the president can sign or veto it.

What group shares responsibility for passing legislation?

Congress with 2/3 vote. Congress consists of both The House of Representatives and Senate.

Would it be detrimental to president Obama's reelection efforts to begin passing legislation in spite of congress opposition?

It would not be possible for any president "to begin passing legislation" in the face of congressional opposition.

Why does the president need more than on method of passing or vetoing legislation?

The President needs more than one way to pass or veto legislation because it he pockets it congress can't override the veto.

What does carriage of legislation mean?

Carriage of legislation refers to the passing of a given piece of legislation.

President Kennedy was relatively unsuccessful in passing civil rights legislation during his time in office because?

Because he got very little support in congress.

What branch created and passed legislation?

Congress passes all "bills" in which the bills then go to the president to be signed by him. The bills that get singed are now laws. The president can however do legislation without the legislative branch by passing "executive orders".

What is the process of enacting legislation?

Enacting legislation is also known as passing laws.

Congress can effect changes to the Constitution by?

Congress effects changes to the Constitution by proposing amendments that would have to be ratified by 3/4 of state legislatures or state conventions called for the purpose of ratification. Congress cannot make any Constitutional changes on its own.

Congress reacted to klan terror by passing?

the congress reacted to the kkk's terror by passing the radical reconstrustion

Explain the role of the president congress and federal courts in passing and carrying out laws?

The president often proposes legislation to the Congress, which passes the actual laws and monitors their enforcement. When differences develop between the president and Congress over what a law means, the federal courts may be called on to interpret what Congress intended when it passed the law...MoMMy.! :)