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Q: By which process can you separate a mixture of naphthalene and chalk powder?
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magnify glass
Related questions

How will you separate chalk powder iron fillings and naphthalene?

Use a magnet to remove the iron filings... Warm (do not boil) the remaining mixture to evaporate the naphthalene.

How will you separate a mixture of ion dust and sulphur powder?

Use a magnet.

How do you separate camphor from chalk powder?

by the process of SUBLIMATION.....

What happens when naphthalene and phenolphthalein dissolve in ethanol?

When naphthalene and phenolphthalein dissolve in ethanol it creates a crystal-like powder. The powder will also appear to have a yellow tinge and has no smell.

How do you separate sulphur form a mixture of carbon particles powder rolled sulphur?

i want it

How do you separate powder from water?

The best process for separating powder from water depends on the powder. If the powder dissolves in the water, then boiling the water and condensing it (distillation), will separate the two components. If the powder does not dissolve in the water, then simple filtration will separate the two.

How do you separate talcum powder and sugar?

use a kitchen strainer and pour water over the talcum powder nail mixture use a magnet talcum powder is non magnetic

How could you separate a mixture of iron fillings and sulfur powder?

Use a magnet to lift out the iron filings.

How do you separate iron fillings from baby powder?

get a magnet that attracts iron

How can you separate iron powder and sulfur powder from a mixture of the two?

Iron powder is attracted by a magnet, sulfur is dissolved in carbon disulfide, but be careful: it is explosive, toxic and stinks (rotten cauliflower)

Is naphthalene soluble to ethyl alcohol?

Naphthalene is said to be somewhat soluble in ethyl alcohol (ethanol). It is insoluble in water and very soluble in ether, chloroform, or carbon disulfide.

How can you separate iron powder from carbon powder?

a very simple and a common technique to separate them out is use a magnet. Since a magnet attracts iron , bring a strong magnet in front of the mixture and almost all of the iron powder gets separated