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In the form of electromagnetic waves through free space at the speed of light

3 x 108 m/s

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4w ago

Starlight travels through space in a straight line until it encounters an object, such as a planet or gas cloud, that can deflect or absorb it. The path of starlight can be influenced by the gravitational pull of massive objects, causing it to bend slightly.

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By which process does starlight travel through space?

Starlight travels through space in straight lines at the speed of light. It can be affected by the gravitational pull of massive objects, causing it to follow curved paths around them, a phenomenon known as gravitational lensing.

How does the lack of an atmosphere in space affect the reflection of starlight?

The lack of atmosphere in space means there are no particles to scatter or absorb starlight. This allows starlight to travel through space unaffected, resulting in clearer and sharper images of stars as observed from telescopes or spacecraft.

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All types of radiation can travel through space.

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Space. Not the galaxy type of space, though.

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Can travel though empty space?

Yes, you can travel through empty space. The Sun, Earth, moon, satellites, space ships, atoms, and subatomic particles all travel through empty space. Greater than 99.999% of matter is empty space.

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As far as I remember, the song was called "Starlight"... cant remember the artist though

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Light, radiation, radio waves.

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Electromagnetic waves that can travel though the vacuum of space is called what?

That would be electromagnetic waves.

Where might a person go to find information on space travel?

There are many Space Tourism sites that can help a person with space travel. In reality though most are usually conferences. Usually only those who are qualified Astronauts go to space.

Why can't sound waves travel though space?

sound waves cant travel through space because there is no oxygen, and if there is no oxygen there is nothing to carry the sound waves. youre welcom theSas