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Can you eat the leaves of beets?

Yes, you can eat the leaves of beets.

Can hamsters eat beets?

Only the tops. Hamsters can get gas or bloating if they eat beets.

Are red beets bad for person with diabetes?

Well, I'm a diabetic, and I do eat beets without worry. However, I haven't checked with a doctor, but I haven't checked about any other veggies, either. We have to be careful, and I want to get a diabetic book naming foods that are definitely safe for us. I do take medication for Diabetes, which is supposed to keep our sugar level safe. I assume you check your blood sugar each day. I suppose you could eat some beets and then check your sugar in about 2 hours to see if your sugar is escalated. Good luck! '

Need to correct this sentence you wont eat spinach and beets for dinner shouted maurice?

I won't eat spinach and beets for dinner shouted Maurice!

Did popeye eat beets?


Can you eat carrots and beets everyday?

you can eat whatever you want but, the fact is how much you eat. you can but not to much. carrots are good for your eye sight and give your eyesight and give you a lot of nutrients same for beets. beets are very good for you just not everyday it takes away them anit-bodies in your metabolism and you need all your nutrients. just limit how much of carrots and beets you eat.

Can diabetic people eat margarine?

It is suitable for diabetic people.

Can you eat broccoli if you are diabetic?

Yes, you can eat broccoli if you are diabetic and in fact it is very good for you. Eat all you want.

What does it mean to want to eat pickled beets all the time?

That you like Picked Beets? I like them tooo......

Can a human eat the greens at the top of beets?


Can you eat beets leaves?

Yes, they are very nutritious.

Can rats eat raw beets?

Rats can and will eat raw meat when it is available to them.