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Both increase serotonin levels, so it would be silly to take both. Now, if you take methadone in the morning, and begin getting shaky at night and cannot sleep, it would be o.k. to take it at night for sleep only...not during the day and not together with methadone!

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Yes, as long as methadone is taken as prescribed, you can maintain employment.

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Please don't take it before you know what your doing. Methadone SHOULD NOT be taken recreationally. It is dangerous and addicting. I'm addicted myself and have done reports, taken classes, have other junky friends. I've seen it all with Methadone. Any other drug ask someone else, but I know my methadone. I go to a Methadone clinic.

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caffeine will increase metabolism. so yes it can drop the half life the methadone although more then likely, it will not be a significant amount.

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Methadone is not intended for injection and should be taken orally as prescribed.