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Yes, they can. Physicists at the Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich and the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching was recently able to cool a gas to negative Kelvin.

Finding negative Kelvin shouldn't be thatsurprisingconsidering that temperature is a measure of atomic movement. If you cool down an atom so that it stops moving relative to itself (0 Kelvin), the atom will still be moving with both Earth's rotational speed relative to the center of the Earth, and Earth's orbital speed relative to the center of the Solar system.


1. It is not possible; the recent experiments of Germans and the old studies of British (Purcell et alii in the years 1950-1952), I suppose that have another meanings. See also the first answer of JFK.

2. The relation between the motion of the Universe and the temperature of the atom is a nonsense.

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No the Kelvin scale starts at absolute zero.

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14y ago

0° Kelvin is defined as the point at which all movement ceases, so in the physical universe as we know it, there can be no negative Kelvin temperature.

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No. The Kelvin scale begins at absolute zero, so it always has nonnegative [positive] temperatures.

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Yes. Fahrenheit can be as low as -459.67 degrees.

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Because at 0 K any motion exist.
See the links below.

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11y ago

Celsius, Reaumur, Fahrenheit scales can be negative; Kelvin scale not.

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Q: Can Celsius have negative temperatures
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Can Celsius temperatures have negative values?


Does 0 Celsius equal -273K?

No. There are no negative kelvin temperatures.

What is below zero Celsius and negative 20 Celsius?

Below zero Celsius refers to temperatures that are below the freezing point of water (0 degrees Celsius). Negative 20 Celsius is a specific temperature that is 20 degrees below zero on the Celsius scale. Both temperatures indicate cold weather conditions.

What substance is negative 38 degree Celsius at liquid state?

chemicals with temperatures 0f 38 degree Celsius below 0

What kelvin temperature converts to X Celsius and negative X Fahrenheit X is an element of Real Numbers?

First of all, Kelvin absolute zero = -272 degrees Celsius. Secondly, the set of real numbers which contain Celsius numbers and negative Fahrenheit numbers are as follows: Negative X Fahrenheit would = -1 to -31 (because two negatives make a positive, and this would also be consistent with temperatures in the range of 1 to 31 degrees Fahrenheit, along which range all of the Celsius numbers are negative). So, 1 deg F to 31 deg F would then correlate with negative Celsius temperatures (but since we are using the numbers -1 to -31, this would correlate to positive X Celsius). Thus, the range of Kelvin temperatures would be 273 to 304. The reason for which the answer is somewhat convoluted is due to the fact that there do not exist any negative Fahrenheit temperatures for which Celsius temperatures are positive. Thus, negative numbers have to be used in order to "turn the equation around", so to speak, because there is a range of temperatures (1 to 31, in real numbers) Fahrenheit, for which Celsius temperatures are below zero, or in the negative ... due to the fact that deg 0 deg C = 32 deg F.

Why celsius scale gives negative temperature?

Temperature in Celsius can be negative. 0 degrees is freezing point in Celsius, so it is possible to get -1, -10 degrees, etc. However, not all temperatures in Celsius are negative.

Are the temperature bellow the freezing point of water on the Celsius scale positive or negative number?

Celsius is a scale of temperature. Its range includes both positive and negative numbers.

Is negative 25 degrees Celsius too cold for life?

No it is not - Penguins, Polar bears, seals, etc. survive in colder temperatures than that.

Is a kelvin equal to a Celsius?

Units are the same. Temperatures in kelvin are 273 more than celsius temperatures.

Does water expand when it's cooled?

It does except when the temperature is close to 4 Celsius degrees. At this temperature water actually expends a little bit. But when you move further from 4 degrees towards negative temperatures it starts to shrink again as does when it comes from higher temperatures to 4 Celsius.

Does Celsius mean below zero?

No, Celsius is a temperature scale which can go down to -273.15. The hottest temperature attained by scientists is approx 4 trillion degrees and the theoretical maximum is 1.4*10^32 [140 nonillion] degrees. On balance, then, the range of negative temperatures on the Celsius scale is somewhat smaller than the positive temperatures.

3 degrees celsius below zero is written as?

On a thermometer, temperatures above zero are written as positive and below zero as negative. How will a reading of 3 degrees celsius below zero be written?