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If by "black" you mean the pudding with blood in it, possibly, but just "colored" black wouldn't do much for a vampire.

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Q: Can Dracula survive off of black pudding?
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How was Dracula eventually killed?

Count Dracula was eventually tracked down by all of the gang and was killed by Quincey Morris and Jonathan Harker. Quincey drove a stake though his heart, while Jonathan cut off Dracula's head simultaneously.

Does Dracula actually exist?

"Beware of his dark brown eyes, black hair and the frowned busy eyebrows. This man's a devil !!", a rich boyar yelled to the crowd, moments before being impaled by the prince.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'Is Dracula alive in the world?'Well, that's really a funny question. However, the answer might be: YES. Dracula is still living throughout history. He's flying through our brains, strengthening our blood to become strong and invincible. He's an example of pure justice applied to those that dare to enslave the others. Thus he is to be remembered forever. Dare to ask him for some strength when you're weak, he will be more than happy to share it with you.Read more: Who_were_count_dracula's_parents

In Dracula why does Lucy only feed off children?

Because she represents false motherhood. She is too sexualized and instead of giving birth and breastfeeding a child, she kills innocent victims.

What weapons are used against Dracula in Dracula by Bram Stoker?

In the novel, Dracula was killed when he was tracked by Van Helsing and his troupe and stabbed in the heart with Arthur Holmwood's bowie knife in his final box of earth. His head was then chopped off cleanly with a knife, ridding Dracula's soul of the earth forevermore.

How does Bram Stoker use characterization and setting to create the theme of good versus evil in dracula?

It was one of the only areas in Europe that weren't "modernized" or urbanized yet. Very rural. Transylvannia also had lots of wolves, which of course are Dracula's pet things. Stoker studied Transylvannian lore. Dracula is actually based off of the old German myths about Vlad the Impaler... a bloody past the country has. Transylvannia is also very Christian, like the people at the station in Bistritz show.

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dracula was a character who was a vampire in Bram Stokers book ' dracula'. he is based off of the blood thirsty king known as Vlad the impaler because vlad was bloodthirsty and killed many many people in terrible disgusting ways.

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I'll answer yours if you answer Yours means that whoever was making the pudding, button fell off their shirt into your pudding. Now heres my question. What does it mean when you throw out a button and it keeps coming back?

What do you cover pudding with to put in Frig when I cover it with seran wrap it sweats?

What I usually do, is I put my pudding in a container that comes with a cover. You could use a small Tupperware container. If you use plastic wrap, push the wrap down onto the surface of the pudding and let the edges lap over the sides of the bowl. This will keep air off the surface of the pudding, prevent sweating, and also prevent a skin forming on the pudding as it cools.

How do people know Dracula is a vampire?

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