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It's possible.

HIV is transmitted through bodily fluids. Mess around with bodily fluids while you have a cut on your skin would get it "inside".

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14y ago

No. If a person is not infected with HIV, you can not get it from that person.

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No you can not.

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Q: Can you get HIV from a non infected person by semen getting into the blood stream?
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Unprotected anal sex. Basically any means through which infected hiv bood, semen or milk can be introduced into a non infected person's blood stream.

Can you get HIV from blood on faucet handle?

In order to be infected by HIV you need to get it into your system, this can happen via blood. Getting infected blood on your hands will not give you an infection. The only chance of getting an infection trough blood on a faucet handle is if you had an open wound were you came into contact with the infected blood.

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There are three ways I know that you can do to transmit AIDS or HIV. If you have sexual intercourse with the infected person, if you share a needle with the infected person, or if you have blood-to-blood contact with an infected person.

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The chances of getting infected with HIV by ingestion of HIV-infected blood is very small.

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people turn into zombies because if an infected person bites you the saliva mixes with your blood and you become infected people turn into zombies because if an infected person bites you the saliva mixes with your blood and you become infected

How does a virus transmit to a healthy person?

By infected water , animal , infected blood , semen ,sexual,

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okay I hope this is what you were looking for. 1. the mosquito picks up a parasite (malarial) from a infected person. 2. When the mosquito bites the new person, it transfers the malarial into the new persons blood stream. 3. The parasite develops in the liver releases microorganisms into the blood stream. 4. Malaria microorganisms infect red blood cells. which causes the cells to break apart.

Can you get blood poisoning from someone else in water?

Blood poisoning can occur if an infected substance enters your blood stream through an open wound. Not quite certain of the question: Is the 'someone else in the water' just a person simply swimming in the same water as you? In that case it is very unlikely to cause any harm to you. Or is the person bleeding into the same water that you are swimming in? Even then, you will be all right if you don't have an open wound, and the blood leaking into the water is not infected.

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Hepatitis B, C, and D are spread by coming into contact with an infected person's blood. Hepatitis A and E are spread by coming into contact with an infected person's stool.

Can a person become infected by getting infected HIV blood on their skin?

If you are not already infected with HIV, then you cannot get it by touching your own blood. HIV can only be contracted if you touch somebody else's blood who is already infected with the disease. This website gives you a detailed explaination of how HIV can be transferred:

What component of blood cell is much higher when a person is infected?

when a person is infected the count of wbc's(white blood cells) increase rapidly as to increase the resistance of the body and fight back to normal condition ,,

Can a person having permanent tattoo in his body can denote blood to another person?

yes a tattoo in not in your blood stream it's in your skin you can donate blood