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Choose your distance learning school based on criteria important to you, but always check on the school's accreditation since the explosion of online learning has led to increased growth of diploma mills. Regional accreditation is better than national accreditation, and be wary of any school that promises a four-year degree can be earned in two.

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11y ago

yes, you are able to get your college degree online. here is a link to a list of colleges that offer online degrees.

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To find the best major that suits you, first make an assesment of your skills and talents. Know what you are interested in first before choosing a major. You can also take an assesment on this website

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A new website math testing tutor . com advertises online College placement review or individual tutoring. There are not many sites that do this. Other sites offer online general math help but not for a specific entry placement test in math like this website. Good luck in College.

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