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Q: Can Science explain all mysteries of life?
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Can science explain all the mysteries of life?

There are still many mysteries that science has not explained, but given the continued advance of science and its remarkable success to date, I see no reason to think that there is any mystery which cannot eventually be explained, if sufficient research is done.

How is science like religion?

They both seek to explain mysteries of life and the physical world. Religion does so by presenting secret knowledge purported to originate from an unverifiable authority and prohibiting all dissent. Science does this by observation and experimentation, resulting in hypotheses that can be verified by repetition. If a scientific theory is proven false, a new theory is developed.

How do science teachers present origin of life when all existing views have pros and cons?

As with most science subjects; they explain what evidence has been found and how scientist interpret that evidence.

How science affects human life in all fields?

sigh......dis is lyk a dammm question.....further explain urself.... sigh

Is physical science a life science or earth science?

niether, it is a science all its own

What is all involved in Life Science?

it is about your everyday life

What is the importance of asking questions in life science?

As you study life science, you will see how the investigations of life science affect you and all the living things around you.

What is the purpose of goddess myths?

The original purpose of myths was for the Ancient Greeks to attempt to explain mysteries that they could not otherwise explain, but now myths are merely entertainment, as all other fantasy is.

Explain why nothing is ever proven in science?

Because all of science's theories are based on assumptions. Just study up on the Philosophy Of Science.

How important is science in your life?

science is important in our life because we know that our movement were came from and all things.

What is life sciences?

Life Science is...The Study of life and it's surroundingsLife science is the study of living things. Cells, plants, animals, humans, and more, are all important to the study of life in life science include- marine biologist and doctorsLife Science is the Study of life and it's surroundings Life science is the study of living things. Cells, plants, animals, humans, and more, are all important to the study of life science. careers in life science include- marine biologist and doctors

Why can't science answer all of life questions?

Because some of life's questions are too deep and complicated for science to answer.