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It all depends on the type of bullet and type of armour.

A 5.56 armour piecing round will penetrate light armour - like that found on Russian APC's but will just "ping" off of a tank.

A normal soft point or hollow point will just deform on all armour.

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Q: Can a 5.56mm bullet pierce through armor?
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Will a bullet go through Platinum?

Depends on the thickness of the platinum, the speed and weight of the bullet, and what the bullet is made of. A.50 caliber armor piercing bullet will shoot through some thicknesses of steel or concrete.

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well all materials are bullet proof,that is depending on the caliber bullet and how thick the material is,a .22 caliber can pierce a 2x4,and a .50 cal can pierce about 50 2x4's,even paper can stop a bullet,if ya take one sheet of paper its not going to do much,but get about 1000 sheets and nothing can get threw,not even armor piercing!

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Many materials are bullet RESISTANT. Kevlar and other synthetic fibers are used to make soft body armor. However, nothing is truly bullet PROOF. The M1A1 Abrams tank fires a very big, very fast, very hard bullet that will go through 2 enemy tanks at once. This type of "bullet" is an armor piercing composite rigid shell. There are too many variables to consider, so more specifications are required. The apcr shell may or may not pierce through multiple tanks because enemy tank armor and armor slope is also involved. Scientists have devised a lightweight and extremely bullet resistant clear material that may replace glass but is also extremely expensive. This material can resist a standard .50 cal sniper rifle shot.

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That all depends on the bullet and the armor. There is no single correct answer without a lot more specifics.

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Nothing is really bullet proof. Anything labeled as such can always be beaten by a faster and/or heavier bullet. Things can be armored, bullet resistant, impact resistant ASO. And the best stuff for getting through things like that are armor piercing rounds.

What is the best body armor?

Dragon Skin might be the best armor for a soldier. Instead of just letting the bullet hit it directly, It deflects the bullet.

Can cupronickel bullets pierce armor?

Not very well if they have a lead core. Cupronickel is the jacket material and is not thick enough to hold up itself to much metal penetration. If the bullet has a steel core then the core would allow it to penetrate most steel plate depending on velocity of the bullet and thickness of the steel armor it was shot at. Even though the cupronickel bullet is somewhat shinny they are usually composed of approximately 75% copper. Currently there are no cupronickel bullets built to penetrate armor. Cupronickel bullets are old technology and were developed mostly by the Russians in about 1908.

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What are armor piercing bullets cost?

No one armor piercing bullet, so there is no one cost. Most are inexpensive to make- less than $1 per bullet.

Is dragon scale armor considered the same as platemale armor?

dragon scale armor is a new type of bullet resistant vest

What does the armor plating extra do in Lego Batman?

The armor plating makes the demolition suit bullet proof.

What would happen if a laser blast or steel bullet hit a metal part of Leia's slave costume?

Since it is a slave outfit, not armor, it would most likely pierce the metal, and Leia would most likely die.