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A bee creates its own venom during its first 17 days of life. It does not -- indeed, cannot -- transfer venom from any other creature.

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Q: Can a bee transfer poison like from a rattlesnake to it's own stinger somehow?
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How do you get a bee needle out?

The best way to get a bee stinger out without squeezing more venom into your skin is to use your fingernails. Gently scrape along your skin in the direction of the poison sac (the rounded bit at the non-pointy end of the stinger). Try not to press down on the sac because that will just pump more venom in. If you tug gently, the stinger will pop back out of your skin. You can then wash the area. If it hurts a lot, you can take some Tylenol or Advil, and can also take some Benadryl for the swelling and itching.

How do people poison insects?


Do sweat bees have stingers?

That is a good question. Sweat bees or as I called them when I was small "Jacks" do infact sting! Their stingers are small and sharp!The poison in the bee is strong(not enough to kill or sicken the preditor.)and best treated under the trement written in "do bumbe bees sting?".The stinger is a slight presure and a bad sting!

What is the venomous reptile also called pit viper?

Vipers are venomous snakes that range from rattlesnakes to gaboons. Venomous has to be injected into bloodstream while poison has to be swallowed or absorb. For example, you can drink snake venom and if you don't have a sore in mouth or ulcers, it won't do anything to you

What happens if stung by a hornet?

Unlike most bee species which can only sting once before dying, a wasp can inflict multiple stings. A wasp does not die after stinging (naturally that is). Depending on the species and the victim's tolerance level, the wasp venom may result in minor burning, itching to extreme swelling which will subside in a few days. Those with allergic reactions may require hospitalization and with more severe reactions, fatalities have been known to occur.

Related questions

Can bees poison there victims and how?

Yes, with their stinger it injects a poison.

How do bees poison their victims?

with their stinger

Would an eagle eat a rattlesnake?

Yes, it would, but the rattlesnake has poison.

How do bees poison victims?

the stinger has venom

What is special about the scorpion?

it has a stinger loaded with poison

Why does Rattlesnake Jake lick Beans in 'Rango'?

because rattlesnake jake tries to poison her

Is snake poison used for rattlesnake bite?

No, antivenin is used to treat the bite of a rattlesnake.

What kind of honey bees are poison?

rattlesnake bees

Does a wasps stinger have poison?

Might or might not But wash it JUST IN CASW

How is a Cobra the same as a Rattlesnake?

A cobra and a rattlesnake are both snakes (of course) and they both are poisonous. But they both deliver the poison in different ways and the poison is not they exact same as far as chemistry goes.

What if the pioneers could not get the poison out of the rattlesnake bite?

if the pioneers could not get the poison out or aR.S bite, that person usually died because the poison had traveled around the body of the victim

What can you give a dog in the field for rattlesnake bite?

Suck out the poison and take the dog to the vet.