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No as semen can be removed through washing - Blood is usually the only thing that shows up after a wash under blacklight - or the heavy duty cleaner used to remove it, but no; sperm can get washed out and become undetectable.

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Yes, a black light can still detect semen stains on clothes even after they have been washed. However, the effectiveness may vary depending on the washing process and type of fabric. It's always best to use the black light in a dark room and at a close proximity to the fabric to increase the chances of detection.

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Q: Can a black light detect semen stains if the clothes have been washed?
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Can a black light detect old semen stains on tile floor?

Yes, a black light can potentially detect old semen stains on a tile floor. Semen contains proteins that can fluoresce under ultraviolet light, such as a black light, making them visible even after they have dried and are not visible to the naked eye.

Why do black clothes make you hotter than white clothes in the sunlight?

Black clothes absorb more sunlight and heat compared to white clothes which reflect sunlight. This absorption of heat by black clothes results in them feeling hotter when exposed to sunlight.

What happens when light is shined on black clothes?

Black clothes absorb most of the light that hits them, converting the light energy into heat. This is why black clothes feel warmer when exposed to sunlight compared to lighter-colored clothes, which reflect more light.

Do you get hotter in black clothes then white when it is hot?

Yes, black clothes absorb more heat from the sun compared to white clothes, making you feel hotter when wearing them in hot weather. White clothes reflect more sunlight, helping to keep you cooler.

Can a black light be used to find semen on clothing?

Yes, a black light can be used to detect semen stains on clothing. Semen under black light typically appears fluorescent or glows a bluish-white color due to the presence of proteins such as phosphoproteins in semen. However, the effectiveness of this method may vary depending on factors such as the fabric of the clothing and how long the semen has been present.

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How do you remove bleach stains from clothes?

The unfortunate answer is that you don't. Most stains add a color on top of a piece of clothing that can be washed away. Bleach has removed the dye that made your shirt black in the first place. You may be able to redye part of your clothes, or reclaims them as bleached out grays, but you cannot remove the bleach stain. A black majic marker has always worked for me. It may be uneven before you wash it but is well blended after.

How do you remove bleach stains from black clothes?

The unfortunate answer is that you don't. Most stains add a color on top of a piece of clothing that can be washed away. Bleach has removed the dye that made your shirt black in the first place. You may be able to redye part of your clothes, or reclaims them as bleached out grays, but you cannot remove the bleach stain. A black majic marker has always worked for me. It may be uneven before you wash it but is well blended after.

Are Bleach Stains removable on Black clothes?

Unfortunately, bleach stains on black clothes are typically permanent because bleach strips the color from fabrics. However, you can try using a black fabric marker or fabric dye to cover up the bleach stain. Make sure to follow the instructions carefully when applying the marker or dye.

Do you need anything else besides a black light to detect semen stains?

Using a black light can help detect semen stains due to proteins in semen reacting to the ultraviolet light. However, for confirmation, additional testing such as a forensic analysis might be needed to definitively identify the presence of semen.

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Can a black light find stains?

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Can you use black light to check clothing for semen stains?

Yes, black light can be used to detect bodily fluids such as semen on clothing. Semen will fluoresce under a black light, making it easier to identify and clean stained clothing.

How do you get bleach out of black clothes?

To remove bleach stains from black clothes, you can try using a dye-remover product specifically designed for this purpose. Follow the product instructions carefully and test it on a small, inconspicuous area first. If the bleach stain is small, you can also try using a black fabric marker to cover it up.